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  2. 憐れみの3章 (ピクチャーディスクLP盤)

憐れみの3章 (ピクチャーディスクLP盤)

価格(税込): ¥8,965

品番: WW216
発売日: 2024/09/27
フォーマット: 1LP

マルチ・インストゥルメンタリスト、プロデューサー、そしてアカデミー賞Rノミネート作曲家であるイェルスキン・フェンドリックスによる『憐れみの3章』(オリジナル・モーション・ピクチャー・サウンドトラック)がリリース!このアルバムは、フェンドリックスがアカデミー賞Rにノミネートされ、ランティモス監督と作曲家の初タッグとなった『哀れなるものたち』の大成功を受け、ヨルゴス・ランティモス監督と再びタッグを組んだものである。『憐れみの3章』では、フェンドリックスはソロ・ピアノと合唱曲に根ざしたサウンドスケープを作り上げ、22曲からなるコレクションの随所に賛美歌を散りばめている。サウンドトラック・アルバムの最後を飾るのは、コブラーの"Brand New Bitch"やユーリズミックスの"Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)"のようなポップ・トラックで、どちらも映画の予告編に登場した。サーチライト・ピクチャーズ(国内はウォルト・ディズニー・ジャパン配給)の『憐れみの3章』は2024年9月27日 日本公開。







In partnership with Milan Records, Waxwork Records is proud to release KINDS OF KINDNESS (ORIGINAL MOTION PICTURE SOUNDTRACK) with music by multi-instrumentalist, producer, and OscarR-nominated composer JERSKIN FENDRIX. The album reunites Fendrix with director Yorgos Lanthimos following the breakout success of Poor Things, which earned the first-time composer an OscarR nomination and marked Lanthimos’ first-ever collaboration with a composer. For Kinds of Kindness, Fendrix has crafted a soundscape rooted in solo piano and choral music, peppering the 22-track collection with hymnals throughout. Rounding out the soundtrack album are pop tracks like Cobrah’s “Brand New Bitch” and Eurythmics’ “Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This),” both of which were featured in the film’s trailers, plus a cover of “How Deep Is Your Love” by film star Margaret Qualley as well as a demo from Fendrix’s personal discography. Searchlight Pictures’ Kinds of Kindness is available in theaters now.

Similar to Poor Things, Fendrix began working on Kinds of Kindness with relatively few materials, utilizing only the film’s script, black and white photographs from set, and conversations with Lanthimos as a guide. This time around, however, Lanthimos provided Fendrix with specific guidance on instrumentation, instructing the composer to craft a soundscape rooted in piano and choral music.

“I love working with Jerskin, and I guess he’s the reason why I am now working with a composer ? I’ve found someone that works for me,” says director Yorgos Lanthimos, continuing, “Jerskin worked on this in the same way he worked on Poor Things, which is before even seeing a frame of the film. I gave him the script and started sending him black and white pictures that I shot on set. Our agreement in the beginning was, ‘This time, I want to use piano and choir, and go down that direction,’ which was very different to Poor Things. When I went into the edit, he had this library of music that he created to work with, and it turned out great.”

Also helpful to Fendrix at the start of the project was a conversation with Kinds of Kindness star Jesse Plemons, who helped the composer wrap his mind around the complexity of Lanthimos’ triptych story.

“I was very lucky to go on set at the very beginning of filming, and I asked Jesse about the emotions because I was struggling to understand where so many of these characters were coming from,” composer Jerskin Fendrix confesses. “He spoke to me about his interpretation, and how he planned to embody his characters, which was great. I ended up thinking about the abstract space between the emotions and whether that space was empty or noisy. From there, I utilized the piano and choir to explore those spaces.”

Waxwork Records is thrilled to release KINDS OF KINDNESS as a picture disc featuring artwork and design by Vasilis Marmatakis housed in a crystal clear poly-bag.


KINDS OF KINDNESS is a triptych fable, following a man without choice who tries to take control of his own life; a policeman who is alarmed that his wife who was missing-at-sea has returned and seems a different person; and a woman determined to find a specific someone with a special ability, who is destined to become a prodigious spiritual leader.


1. The Death of R.M.F.
2. Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) - Eurythmics, Annie Lennox, Dave Stewart**
3. Hotel Cheval
4. Hymn - Matia Ponos Stoma Fthonos 1
5. How Deep Is Your Love - Margaret Qualley**
6. R.M.F. Is Flying
7. Le Marteau
8. Maritime Achievement Awards
9. Kindness (Dream)
10. Hymn - Matia Vlemma Stoma Psema?
11. Rainbow in the Dark - Dio**
12. R.M.F. Eats A Sandwich
13. Dream (Pool)
14. The Little One
15. Kindness (Pool)
16. Hymn - Me Skotosan Oloi Oi Choroi?
17. Brand New Bitch - Cobrah**
18. King Lear (demo) - Jerskin Fendrix**?
**Vocal tracks