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  2. 復讐無頼・狼たちの荒野 (クリスタル・ヴァイナル限定盤) (LP)

復讐無頼・狼たちの荒野 (クリスタル・ヴァイナル限定盤) (LP)
TEPEPA (Ltd. Crystal Vinyl)

価格(税込): ¥6,083

品番: VMLP184C
発売日: 2023/09/22
フォーマット: 1LP

エンニオ・モリコーネが描くマカロニ・ウエスタンの世界! 日本未公開作品ながら邦題が付くほど親しまれてきたマカロニ・ウエスタンが本作『復讐無頼・狼達の荒野』。1968年に、ジュリオ・ペトローニ監督、トーマス・ミリアン、オーソン・ウェルズ等のスターが出演して話題となった作品で、日本国内でもTV放映され絶大な人気を誇った傑作。モリコーネの素晴らしきマカロニ・サウンドは、優美で壮大なオーケストレーションと砂漠の荒涼とした大地を吹く風のような男の哀愁サウンドを描き出す。


Although this wasn’t directed by but Sergio Leone, but by the less known Giulio Petroni, “Tepepa” is one of the best films in the spaghetti western genre, thanks to a perfect synopsis - even if as set in the ‘abused’ Mexican Revolution of the early ‘900 - to a trio of exceptional actors and, finally, to Ennio Morricone’s soundtrack.
The protagonists are in fact the immovable doctor John Steiner, the histrionic revolutionary Tomas Milian and the massive Colonel Orson Welles, a unique and practically unrepeatable combination, however directed in a ‘leone-ish’ way by Petroni, who often focuses on large panoramas and close-ups on the character’s faces.
As always, Morricone means quality: for “Tepepa” the Maestro creates a memorable soundtrack, dominated by strings and, curiously, by the acoustic guitar!
When the film was premiered in the theatres (1969) just a the single 45rpm “Viva la Revolucion / In Mexico I would like” had been released; both songs are of course included here, the second of which is sung by Christy (stage name of Mary Cristina Brancucci) in a very felt and compelling way.


Side A:
1.Viva la revolucion
2.Tepepa e Price
3.Tradimento primo
4.A meta strada
5.Una rosa
6.Consegna delle armi
7.Una povera casa
8.Ondas de amor - serenade
9.Al Messico che vorrei

Side B:
10.Viva la revolucion
11.Tradimento secondo
12.Tepepa e Price (2)
13.Tradimento primo (2)
14.Tepepa (marcetta)
15.Tepepa (tema d’amore)
16.Tepepa (fragrante melodia)
17.Viva la revolucion (7)
18.Al Messico che vorrei (instrumental version)