(1)To be by your side(Nick Cave)(2)masters of the Field(Robert Wyatt)(3)Northern Bound(4)The Crossing(5)The Highest Gander(Robert Wyatt)(6)Beating Drums(7)The Return of the Cranes(8)The Blue thread(9)The Red Forest(Robert Wyatt)(10)Like a Breath of Air(A Filetta)(11)The Takeoff(12)Amidst the Factory Smoke(13)The Glider(14)After the Hunt(15)The paper Parrot(16)The Swans Flight(17)Feathers and Stripes(18)The Wounded Dove performed by Gabriel Yacoub(19)Off camera
トラックリスト(1)To be by your side(Nick Cave)(2)masters of the Field(Robert Wyatt)(3)Northern Bound(4)The Crossing(5)The Highest Gander(Robert Wyatt)(6)Beating Drums(7)The Return of the Cranes(8)The Blue thread(9)The Red Forest(Robert Wyatt)(10)Like a Breath of Air(A Filetta)(11)The Takeoff(12)Amidst the Factory Smoke(13)The Glider(14)After the Hunt(15)The paper Parrot(16)The Swans Flight(17)Feathers and Stripes(18)The Wounded Dove performed by Gabriel Yacoub(19)Off camera