1. ホーム
  2. 八月の鯨


価格(税込): ¥4,598

品番: VCL-0216-1167
発売日: 2016/03/11
フォーマット: 1CD

VARESE ENCOREの限定盤!名匠、リンゼイ・アンダーソンがささやかな日常を味わい深く描いたドラマ。長年廃盤だったサントラ、ついに再発売!限定1000枚。

リリアン・ギッシュとベティ・デイヴィスの二人の大物女優主演による友情ドラマ。リビーとセーラの姉妹は、長い人生のほとんどを一緒に過ごしてきた。そんな姉妹は毎年夏の間、アメリカ・メイン州の小さな島にあるセーラの別荘に滞在していた。そこの入江には、8月になると鯨がやって来る。少女の頃、よくその鯨を見に駆けていったものだが、二人ともそれは遠い昔のこととなってしまった……。監督: リンゼイ・アンダーソン、出演: リリアン・ギッシュ、ベティ・デイヴィス、 ヴィンセント・プライス。1987年米。

What a joy it is to present an Encore Edition of Alan Price’s elegant and charming score for The Whales of August. Originally released in 1987, the CD has been out of print for nearly three decades. Alan Price is an English musician, best known as the original keyboardist for the British band the Animals and for his subsequent solo work. His score for The Whales of August is one of the loveliest chamber orchestra scores of the period.

Two of the greatest motion picture actresses of all time Bette Davis and Lillian Gishunite display their legendary talents in this beautifully photographed, intensely emotional drama that offers unexpected and quite marvelous rewards (The New York Times)! Libby (Davis) and Sarah (Gish) are widowed siblings who have vacationed for half a century at a seaside cottage in Maine. Now in their eighties, the sisters have unexpectedly arrived at an impasse: While Sarah embraces change and the possibility of romance with a courtly Russian suitor (Vincent Price), the stubbornly bitter Libby rages at the inevitability of death. As the summer months wane, can Libby and Sarah rediscover the powerful bonds of memory, family and love?

Limited Edition of 1000 copies ※Varese Sarabadeレーベルから抜粋


1. The Whales Of August (1:31)
2. The Morning Walk (1:12)
3. Sarah And Mr. Maranov (:44)
4. In The Winter In St. Petersberg (:36)
5. Remembering ? Libby And Sarah (3:58)
6. Sisters (1:22)
7. Have You Seen The Whales (1:49)
8. Mr. Maranov (:44)
9. The Whales Of August (Reprise) (1:03)
10. First Date (1:00)
11. We’re Not Leaving Home Phillip (1:47)
12. Mr. Maranov’s Farewell (1:12)
13. The Whales Should Be Back (1:27)
14. Towards The Point (:44)
15. Libby And Sarah ? The Old Stereopticon (:41)
16. Hairbrushing / Tisha’s Theme (1:59)
17. Flowers For Sarah (:42)
18. Anniversary (3:02)
19. You Can Never Tell (End Titles) (2:12)