DISC 1. 1. New World Order [Main Menu] 2. Blood, Sweat and Fists [Character Select] 3. Everlasting Heaven [Eternal Paradise] 4. Self destruct [Historic Town Square] 5. El Condor [Condor Canyon] 6. wHITe [Arctic Dream] 7. Lunar fringe theories [Moonlit Wilderness] 8. Chopper [Sakura Schoolyard] 9. Offshore oil [Tempest] 10. The ends of the eternal snow [Winter Palace] 11. Bassamenco [Fireworks Over Barcelona]
DISC 2. 1. Francoise’s Bassline [Riverside Promenade] 2. Brasil evolution [Tropical Rainforest] 3. No Easy Way Out [Moai Excavation] 4. Lost in a Station [Extravagant Underground] 5. Fight in the Netherlands [Tulip Festival] 6. Q [Hall of Judgement] 7. Fear to agonize [Naraku] 8. Night Rises [Main Menu2] 9. Kodama Starship [Online Menu] 10. Continue? [Continue] 11. Gameover [Gameover]
■「鉄拳サウンド」は新たな境地へ■ キャラクター成長要素が好評のPlayStationR3専用3D対戦格闘ゲーム「鉄拳レボリューション」のサウンドトラックCDが遂に登場 ! バトルを熱くするステージBGMをはじめとする全22曲を完全収録。これまでの「鉄拳サウンド」を踏襲しながらも、「アコースティックギター」をキーワードとした、エッジの効いた新しいゲームサウンドに到達!その音はゲームミュージックファンからクラブミュージックファンまで幅広く魅了する ! 発売日:2016.3.30
トラックリストDISC 1.
1. New World Order [Main Menu]
2. Blood, Sweat and Fists [Character Select]
3. Everlasting Heaven [Eternal Paradise]
4. Self destruct [Historic Town Square]
5. El Condor [Condor Canyon]
6. wHITe [Arctic Dream]
7. Lunar fringe theories [Moonlit Wilderness]
8. Chopper [Sakura Schoolyard]
9. Offshore oil [Tempest]
10. The ends of the eternal snow [Winter Palace]
11. Bassamenco [Fireworks Over Barcelona]
1. Francoise’s Bassline [Riverside Promenade]
2. Brasil evolution [Tropical Rainforest]
3. No Easy Way Out [Moai Excavation]
4. Lost in a Station [Extravagant Underground]
5. Fight in the Netherlands [Tulip Festival]
6. Q [Hall of Judgement]
7. Fear to agonize [Naraku]
8. Night Rises [Main Menu2]
9. Kodama Starship [Online Menu]
10. Continue? [Continue]
11. Gameover [Gameover]