1. Pi’s Lullaby 2. Piscine Molitor Patel 3. Pondicherry 4. Meeting Krishna 5. Christ in the Mountains 6. Thank you Vishnu for Introducing me to Christ 7. Richard Parker 8. Appa’s Lesson 9. Anandi 10. Leaving India 11. The Deepest Spot on Earth 12. Tsimtsum 13. Death of the Zebra 14. First Night, First Day 15. Set Your House in Order 16. Skinny Vegetarian Boy 17. Pi and Richard Parker 18. The Whale 19. Flying Fish 20. Tiger Training 21. Orphans 22. Tiger Vision 23. God Storm 24. I’m Ready now 25. The Island 26. Back to the World 27. The Second Story 28. Which Story do you Prefer?
アカデミー賞音楽賞受賞!主題歌賞ノミネート。2013年1月25日(金)全国ロードショー。世界中が驚嘆したベストセラー小説の映画化!アカデミー賞に輝く名匠アン・リーが贈る 奇跡のサバイバル・ストーリー。音楽はマイケル・ダナ。
トラックリスト1. Pi’s Lullaby
2. Piscine Molitor Patel
3. Pondicherry
4. Meeting Krishna
5. Christ in the Mountains
6. Thank you Vishnu for Introducing me to Christ
7. Richard Parker
8. Appa’s Lesson
9. Anandi
10. Leaving India
11. The Deepest Spot on Earth
12. Tsimtsum
13. Death of the Zebra
14. First Night, First Day
15. Set Your House in Order
16. Skinny Vegetarian Boy
17. Pi and Richard Parker
18. The Whale
19. Flying Fish
20. Tiger Training
21. Orphans
22. Tiger Vision
23. God Storm
24. I’m Ready now
25. The Island
26. Back to the World
27. The Second Story
28. Which Story do you Prefer?