1. ホーム


価格(税込): ¥2,629

レーベル: SILVA
品番: SILCD1687
発売日: 2022/10/21
フォーマット: 2CD

2012年に放送されたNHKとBBCの 国際共同制作の大型自然番組シリーズ「フローズン プラネット 最後の未踏の大自然」の第2弾のオリジナル・サウンドトラック。音楽はハンス・ジマー、アダム・ルーカス、ジェームズ・エヴァリンハム。オープニング・タイトルはハンス・ジマーとアンゼ・ロズマン for ブリーディング・フィンガーズ・ミュージック。ハンス・ジマーが厳選した、刺激的で多様なエミー賞受賞作曲家集団、ブリーディング・フィンガーズ・ミュージックは、深い音楽的遺産を受け入れ、育み、どこにも負けない音の深さを提供しています。「Frozen Planet II」のスコアは、ノルウェー出身のシンガーソングライター、AURORAの幽玄な歌声によって、より豊かなものとなっています。

In 2011 the BBC series Frozen Planet, focusing on life and the environment in the Arctic and Antarctic won acclaim across the world and received four Emmy awards. Over a decade on from the original Frozen Planet, the sequel, Frozen Planet II tells the complete story of the entire frozen quarter of our planet that’s locked in ice and blanketed in snow.
Mark Brownlow, Executive Producer, Frozen Planet II, reveals “Frozen Planet II is a celebration of wondrous wildlife overcoming the challenges of life in the extremes. Yet today it faces the even greater challenge of climate change”.
Hans Zimmer is one of the most prolific and acclaimed film score composers with over 150 scores to his credit. He is the winner of four Grammy Awards, three Classical Brit Awards, two Golden Globes and two Academy Awards. His long-standing working relationship with BBC Earth has seen an incredible body of music including previous Silva Screen releases, Seven Worlds One Planet, Blue Planet II and Planet Earth II.
Zimmer’s hand-selected, exciting and diverse Emmy Award winning composer collective, Bleeding Fingers Music, embraces and nurtures a deep musical heritage to deliver a sonic depth that is second to none. The Frozen Planet II score is enriched by the ethereal voice of the Norwegian singer songwriter AURORA.
“The Bleeding Fingers team and I feel incredibly privileged to be given the opportunity to score such a pioneering and important natural history landmark as Frozen Planet II.” - Hans Zimmer


1 The Frozen Planet
2 Harp Seal Pup
3 Silent Sky
4 Origins of Life
5 Boreal Forest
6 Arrival of Spring
7 Beluga Escape
8 Fidgety Bedfellow
9 Giants of the Deep
10 Orca Ramming
11 Showdown at the Shore
12 Aurora Borealis I
13 Aurora Borealis II
14 Full Bloom
15 Projectile Vomit
16 Losing Ice
17 Wrangel Island
18 Crisis

1 Kingdoms of Ice
2 Journey to the Southern Ocean
3 Daylight Robbery
4 Amur Tiger
5 Full Flight Capacity
6 Tundra Awakening
7 Hunting Grounds
8 Many Winters
9 Frozen Peaks
10 Atacama Winds
11 Learning to Breathe
12 The Matriarch
13 Hide and Seek
14 Wandering Albatross
15 Companionship
16 Scars of the Earth
17 Then There Will Be a Future