1. ホーム
  2. プッシャー


価格(税込): ¥2,068

品番: SILCD1394
発売日: 2012/10/08
フォーマット: 1CD

レフン監督のデビュー作にして、カルト的人気を誇る傑作『プッシャー』を英語リメイク! 音楽を手がけるのはUKテクノ界の超大物ユニット、オービタル! 2011年のカンヌ映画祭で監督賞を受賞した、大ヒット作『ドライヴ』。世界が認めたその傑作を生み出したニコラス・ウィンディング・レフン監督の原点となった初監督作品が、同監督自らのプロデュースによって、待望の英語リメイクを果たした。マフィアに預かった大量のドラッグを失い、絶体絶命の危機に陥った麻薬ディーラー=プッシャー。生き延びるためには、桁外れの大金をかき集めなければならない。与えられた時間は48時間。窮地に追いやられたプッシャーと、彼を追う警察、そしてマフィア。究極のトライアングルによる、手に汗握る最高にスリリングな攻防から目が離せない。さらに、世界的ヒットを遂げた『モンスターズ/地球外生命体』のクリエイターが製作を努めるほか、アンダーワールド、ケミカル・ブラザーズ、プロディジーらと並びUKテクノ四天王と呼ばれる超人気ユニット、オービタルが音楽を手がけ、斬新な映像やエディティングと相まって、スタイリッシュな世界観を際立たせている。

Silva Screen is pleased to announce that they will be releasing the Orbital penned soundtrack to “Pusher” in October this year. The film sees Richard Coyle as the East End drug dealer (Frank) out of his depth when his get rich quick scheme backfires and leaves him owing a ruthless drug lord a large amount of money. As Frank goes on a desperate quest to repay Milo (played by Zlatko Buric) before time is up, the violence escalates over the course of a week and events spiral out of his control. Stylishly directed by Luis Prieto and also starring supermodel Agyness Deyn, Orbital’s music provides the perfect catalyst, igniting the fast-moving action as it shifts through the streets and clubs of London’s gritty underworld.



1. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Sacrificial Dance
2. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Promises
3. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Bonnie Scotland
4. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Evangelists
5. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Interesting
6. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Drive to the Inn
7. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - May Queen's Dress
8. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - The Raven
9. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Minerva of the River
10. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Lost Ring
11. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Lolly in Love
12. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Beth and Steve
13. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Son of a Bitch Cowboy
14. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Butler and Cat
15. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Donkey
16. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Morning of the Sacrifice
17. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Ancestral Portrait
18. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Hunt the Laddie
19. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Preparing the May Queen
20. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Arrival at the Castle
21. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - The Laddie's Throne
22. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - The Sacrifice
23. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Beth Escapes
24. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Death of Lachlan
25. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Wicker Tree Burns
26. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Take Me to Heaven
27. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - End Credits 1
28. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by John Scott - Follow Me
29. Keith Easdale, June Nelson, Gordon Wilson, Lucy Hutchison, Stuart Glasgow - The Wicker Tree Song
30. Brittania Nicol & Keith Easdale - I Know Where I’m Going
31. Brittania Nicol - The Magnificat
32. Brittania Nicol, Susan Gibson, Ann Baton & Stuart Glasgow - The Canticle
33. Brittania Nicol & Stuart Glasgow - Trailer Trash Love
34. Keith Easdale - The Braes of Balquhidder
35. St.Clair Leveaux & Stuart Glasgow - The Fruity Song
36. Keith Easdale, Brittania Nicol, John Paul McGillivary & Stuart Glasgow - Power in the Blood
37. Keith Easdale, Brittania Nicol - Time’s Passing Frame
38. Keith Easdale, June Nelson, Gordon Wilson, Lucy Hutchison, Stuart Glasgow & The Clydebank Male Voice Choir - The Wicker Tree Song (End credits)