1. ホーム
  2. フローズンプラネット


価格(税込): ¥2,178

品番: SILCD1392
発売日: 2013/03/18
フォーマット: 1CD

圧倒的な映像で生きものと環境の関わりを描いた「プラネットアース」に続く、NHKとBBCの大型国際共同制作シリーズです。アクセスの困難さや苛酷な条件からこれまで撮りきれなかった南極と北極、ふたつの極地の大自然を、周到な機材準備と研究機関のバックアップを得て3年間にわたって撮影。息をのむ氷の神秘的な美しさと、桁外れのスケールでドラマを繰り広げる生きもの達の世界を珠玉の映像で捉えた大自然スペクタクルです。音楽は、もちろん「プラネットアース」で傑作スコアを提供したジョージ・フェントン!演奏はTHE BBC CONCERT ORCHESTRA。

George Fenton's career is littered with awards, multiple Ivor Novellos, BAFTAs, Emmys, a Classical Brit and five Oscar nominations. With over 100 film and TV scores to his credit the breadth of his composing is simply breath-taking. Films include Gandhi, Cry Freedom, The Fisher King, Groundhog Day, Shadowlands and an array of timeless TV music such as Shoestring, Bergerac, The Jewel In The Crown and Newsnight. In the past two decades his work with the BBC Wildlife Unit has seen enduring scores for acclaimed hit worldwide series such as The Trials Of Life, The Blue Planet and Planet Earth which have been performed in concert by many of the world's leading orchestras. Frozen Planet originally shown in 2011 continues to underline his remarkable skills of matching the movement of the natural world to music.
''One of the key challenges we face as wildlife filmmakers is to try and transport our audiences to the wonderful wildernesses we experience first hand. George Fenton's wonderful score was a vital tool to help us take people to the poles - a place beyond imagination'' - Alastair Fothergill, Producer of Frozen Planet.


1. Frozen Planet Opening Titles
2. The North Pole
3. Rapid Change
4. Sufing Penguins
5. Antarctic Mystery
6. Flying South
7. Stones
8. McKenzie River
9. Cubs First Hunt
10. Narwhals
11. Elephant Seal Duel
12. Returning Seabirds/Albatross Love
13. Ice Sculptures
14. Leaping Penguins
15. Owlets/Protection
16. Seal Ballet/Arrival Of The Humpbacks
17. Lazy Bear
18. Exercise
19. Belugas
20. Competing For The Girl
21. The Long March
22. Winter
23. Activity
24. Weasel
25. Winter Sets In
26. Battle Of Wills
27. Emperors Return
28. Greenland Patrol
29. Minus Forty
30. Following The Herd
31. Walrus Kill
32. Scott’s Legacy