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  2. JOHN CARPENTER: ANTHOLOGY - Movie Themes 1974-1998 (Black Vinyl)

JOHN CARPENTER: ANTHOLOGY - Movie Themes 1974-1998 (Black Vinyl)

価格(税込): ¥2,805

品番: SBR177LP
発売日: 2017/10/20
フォーマット: 1LP



これまでに30近く映画を制作/監督/脚本/俳優など幅広く活動をしているジョン・カーペンター。それだけでなく自身の映画で使用する楽曲も自ら手掛けることでも有名。特にその中でも『ハロウィン』の「HALLOWEEN THEME」や『ニューヨーク1997』のメイン・トラックはSF・ホラー映画音楽の名作として親しまれている。



米ニューヨーク州にて音楽家の父の下に生まれる。ヒッチコックやホークス、ジョン・フォードなどの映画作家に影響を受け育ち、高校時代にはロックバンドに加わっていたこともあるなど、映画だけでなく音楽にも情熱をそそぐ。僅か30ド万ルで制作されたホラー映画『ハロウィーン』の大ヒットがきっかけとなり一躍有名監督となり、これまでに30近い作品を発表し、ここ日本でもカルト的人気を誇っている。過去にはアカデミー賞で短編実写賞の受賞経験をもつ。2015年2月、キャリア初となるソロ・アルバム『ロスト・シームズ』をNYブルックリンのブティック・レーベル<Sacred Bones>からリリース。まるでホラー映画のサントラのような薄暗い独特なアルバムを発表した。映画監督の突然のミュージシャンデビューに音楽界、映画界に激震が走り、ローリング・ストーン誌やNPR、ニュースウィーク、ピッチフォークなどのさまざまな有名音楽メディアがこぞって特集。一躍話題の人となった。

John Carpenter is a legend. As the director and composer behind dozens of classic movies, Carpenter has established a reputation as one of the greatest filmmakers in the history of modern cinema, as well as one of its most influential musicians. The minimal, synthesizer-driven themes to films like Halloween, Escape From New York, and Assault on Precinct 13 are as indelible as their images, and their timelessness was evident as Carpenter performed them live in a string of internationally sold-out concert dates in 2016. Anthology: Movie Themes 1974-1998 collects 13 classic themes from Carpenter’s illustrious career together on one volume for the first time. Each theme has been newly recorded with the same collaborators that Carpenter worked with on his hit Lost Themes studio albums: his son, Cody Carpenter, and godson, Daniel Davies.

Anthology is a near-comprehensive survey of John Carpenter’s greatest themes, from his very first movie, the no-budget sci-fi film Dark Star, to 1998’s supernatural Western, Vampires. Those sit alongside the driving, Led Zeppelin-influenced Assault on Precinct 13 theme, Halloween’s iconic 5/4 piano riff, and the eerie synth work of The Fog. Carpenter and his band also cover Ennio Morricone’s bleak, minimalist theme for The Thing. (“I asked Morricone to please compose something with a very few notes,” Carpenter says. “And brilliantly, he did.”)

We also get vital new recordings of the themes to ’80s classics and fan favorites Big Trouble in Little China, Escape From New York, Christine, and They Live, along with the romantic Starman, which earned Jeff Bridges his first Oscar nomination as a lead actor. The collection is rounded out by the menacing, heavy themes to Prince of Darkness and In the Mouth of Madness, the latter a Metallica-inspired riff originally played for the film by Kinks guitarist Dave Davies, and now played by his son Daniel.

In the weeks following Anthology’s October 20 release, Carpenter will return to the road, playing both classic movie themes and material from his two Lost Themes albums. The performances will once again affirm the power of the Horror Master’s brilliant work as a composer and musician, and undoubtedly send audiences rushing home to their DVD libraries to dive yet again into the most rewarding filmography in genre cinema.



1. In the Mouth of Madness?05:17
2. Assault on Precinct 13
3. The Fog
4. Prince of Darkness
5. Santiago (Vampires)
6. Escape From New York
7. Halloween
8. Porkchop Express (Big Trouble in Little China)
9. They Live
10. The Thing
11. Starman
12. Dark Star
13. Christine