1. ホーム
  2. 女鹿


価格(税込): ¥2,255

レーベル: SAIMEL(SP)
品番: SAIMEL-3998940
フォーマット: 1CD

Saimel Masterworksシリーズ第15弾。クロード・シャブロル監督が3人の男女を主軸に描く1968年のサスペンス映画。サウンドトラック、世界初リリース!限定盤。

第裕福なフレデリークは、画家を目指す女性・ホワイと出会い同居生活を始める。ある日、ふたりは連れ立ってパーティーに出掛け、ホワイはそこで出会った建築家の男に心惹かれてしまう。 出演: ジャン=ルイ・トランティニャン、ジャクリーヌ・ササール。1968年仏・伊。

Saimel Masterworks Volume 15. Pierre Jansen was characterized by complex and unusual orchestral works. But in LES BICHES was able to find a good balance between the more melodic and more incidental music, getting a work more accessible and attractive. The composer creates a score intimate and very sober, which masterfully conveys the feelings of the characters. Greatly emphasize the most retentive tracks, with careful orchestration. Pierre Jansen included environmental themes, more pop, which complement the excellent work making it an extraordinary example of composition for film. Limited Edition.


01. Les biches (titoli di testa) (2:09)
02. Les biches (solitudine autunnale) (3:11)
03. Beat in (2:06)
04. Les biches (demoni dell’anima) (2:45)
05. Les biches (falsa tranquillita) (2:39)
06. Due donne insieme (1:42)
07. Les biches (promenade e shake) (2:50)
08. Les biches (come un incubo) (2:36)
09. Gente perduta (4:54)
10. Les biches (malessere interiore) (1:15)
11. Quando si cerca qualcosa (4:40)
12. Les biches (attimi magici) (2:05)
13. Aurora (2:16)
14. Les biches (fuga) (1:42)
15. Les biches (sogno o realta) (2:18)
16. Les biches (shake e momento sentimentale) (2:16)
17. Les biches (atmosfera antica) (3:11)
18. Les biches (interludio amoroso) (2:41)
19. Dance out (2:25)
20. Le cerbiatte (3:11)