Saimel Masterworks Volume 14. Angelo Francesco Lavagnino creates a melodic and dramatic score nice to listen outside the film. The initial track opens with a haunting percussion, which quickly becomes more rhythmic, accompanying the melody that gradually takes over the track as bolero, culminating in a spectacular chords. There are a variety of music, songs with a delicate string and sinuous use of the harp, incidental tracks to provide the history of necessary dramatic tone and tension, diegetic themes which are defined by the presence of solo instruments like accordion or piano. This edition (first time on CD) presents the original LP material, together with new tracks recovered from the original masters, completing an excellent edition. Limited Edition.
01. I diavoli neri del Fuhrer (2:50) 02. E' triste non amare ((1:50) 03. Cauta avanzata (2:05) 04. Per piu di 7 ore (2:42) 05. 30 divisioni corazzate (1:31) 06. C'e' una strana calma (1:25) 07. C'e pace con un pianoforte (2:49) 08. Tirolo (3:21) 09. Sogno dopo una notte ruggente (1:42) 10. Fisa nostalgica (1:24) 11. Intorno all'isola (1:30) 12. Vittime numerose (2:39) 13. Ritorno in campagna (1:01) Bonus tracks 14. 7 eroiche carogne (attesa ostinata) (2:30) 15. 7 eroiche carogne (inferno nella trincea) (3:28) 16. 7 eroiche carogne (angoscia nella notte) (2:51) 17. 7 eroiche carogne (nella guerra, un amore) (1:38) 18. 7 eroiche carogne (agguato mortale) (1:47) 19. 7 eroiche carogne (conflitto finale) (4:43)
Saimel Masterworksシリーズ第14弾。1967年のマカロニ戦争アクション「ヘル・コマンドー7」のサウンドトラックがついにCDリリース!未発表曲も追加収録した完全盤。音楽は「野獣暁に死す」、「077/地獄のカクテル」のアンジェロ・フランチェスコ・ラヴァニーノ。限定盤。
トラックリスト第二次世界大戦、連合国は、カーター少佐のもとへ精鋭を集め特攻隊を結成する。 ヒットラーは細菌戦を展開するため、オランダの科学者コルストロム教授の娘を人質にして細菌のワクチンを作らせているのだ。護衛にあたるのは1人で大隊に匹敵するゲシュタポのクロイツフェルト大佐だった。特攻隊は訓練のすえ、教授がワクチンを作るのを阻止するため行動を起こすのだった。一方、アメリカ軍の海兵隊のはみだし部隊は農場でのナチスの非道な行いを目撃しナチスに怒りを覚えるのだった。そんなとき、休息を取っている親衛隊を発見し皆殺しにするのだった。しかし、その親衛隊とはカーター少佐が率いる連合国軍の特攻隊だったのだ。監督:J・L・メリノ、出演: ガイ・マディソン、スタン・クーパー。1969年伊・スペイン。
Saimel Masterworks Volume 14. Angelo Francesco Lavagnino creates a melodic and dramatic score nice to listen outside the film. The initial track opens with a haunting percussion, which quickly becomes more rhythmic, accompanying the melody that gradually takes over the track as bolero, culminating in a spectacular chords. There are a variety of music, songs with a delicate string and sinuous use of the harp, incidental tracks to provide the history of necessary dramatic tone and tension, diegetic themes which are defined by the presence of solo instruments like accordion or piano.
This edition (first time on CD) presents the original LP material, together with new tracks recovered from the original masters, completing an excellent edition. Limited Edition.
01. I diavoli neri del Fuhrer (2:50)
02. E' triste non amare ((1:50)
03. Cauta avanzata (2:05)
04. Per piu di 7 ore (2:42)
05. 30 divisioni corazzate (1:31)
06. C'e' una strana calma (1:25)
07. C'e pace con un pianoforte (2:49)
08. Tirolo (3:21)
09. Sogno dopo una notte ruggente (1:42)
10. Fisa nostalgica (1:24)
11. Intorno all'isola (1:30)
12. Vittime numerose (2:39)
13. Ritorno in campagna (1:01)
Bonus tracks
14. 7 eroiche carogne (attesa ostinata) (2:30)
15. 7 eroiche carogne (inferno nella trincea) (3:28)
16. 7 eroiche carogne (angoscia nella notte) (2:51)
17. 7 eroiche carogne (nella guerra, un amore) (1:38)
18. 7 eroiche carogne (agguato mortale) (1:47)
19. 7 eroiche carogne (conflitto finale) (4:43)