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  2. グローリー -完全盤- (2枚組)

グローリー -完全盤- (2枚組)

価格(税込): ¥7,150

品番: RBCP-5713
発売日: 2021/10/13
フォーマット: 2CD


アカデミー賞R3部門受賞に輝く感動戦争巨編!決死の戦いに挑む男たちが夢見た“栄光”とは ──<ストーリー>南北戦争時代。北軍大佐ショーは、初めての黒人部隊の指揮官に着任する。兵士募集に呼応した黒人ほとんどが南部からの脱走奴隷だが、明日への誇りを賭けた熱気を感じられた。やがて訓練が始まるが、靴も、軍服も支給されない。しかし、それでも参戦できる日を夢見て厳しい訓練に耐え、ついに実戦で成果を挙げる。そして遂に難攻不落の砦攻略を志願するが・・・。監督:エドワード・ズウィック、出演:マシュー・ブロデリック、デンゼル・ワシントン、モーガン・フリーマン、他。1989年米。

La-La Land Records, TriStar Pictures and Capitol Records proudly present a limited edition, remastered and expanded 2-CD release of renowned composer James Horner’s (STAR TREK II ? THE WRATH OF KHAN, FIELD OF DREAMS, TITANIC) original motion picture score to the classic 1989 Civil War drama starring Matthew Broderick, Denzel Washington and Morgan Freeman, and directed by Edward Zwick. One of James Horner’s finest musical achievements, the GrammyR winning GLORY score is a superb demonstration of the composer’s unique ability to strongly communicate the emotional and dramatic core of a film to its audience. This is clearly evident within this special reissue, which showcases his masterwork remastered from the original digital tapes and expanded with previously unreleased music. Disc One features the score presentation and source music, while Disc Two presents the re-mastered 1989 Original Soundtrack Album and additional music.

Produced by Neil S. Bulk and Mike Matessino and mastered by Mike Matessino, this 2-CD release is limited to 5000 units and includes exclusive, in-depth liner notes by writer Jeff Bond and art design by Jim Titus.




1. A Call To Arms 3:16
2. After Antietam (Film Version) 2:28
3. Flashback :44
4. Forming The Regiment (Film Version) 3:43
5. Jefferson & Liberty (Full Version) 2:01
6. The Decision / Second Flashback 2:34
7. Lonely Christmas 1:56
8. The Whipping 2:12
9. New Shoes 1:16
10. Worth A Life 1:27
11. The Year Of Jubilee (Film Version) 2:28
12. Burning The Town Of Darien 2:34
13. Our Time 1:52
14. The Battle Of Grimball’s Landing 3:17
15. Promise Me / What Do You Want Of Us? 1:40
16. Brave Words And Deeds 3:11
17. Preparations For Battle (Film Version) 7:40
18. Charging Fort Wagner 2:54
19. An Epitaph To War (Film Version) 2:35
20. Closing Credits (Film Mix) 6:51
Total Score Time: 56:39

21. Drei Klavierstucke, DV.946 2:30
22. Jefferson & Liberty 1:00
23. Old 1812 1:14
24. Jefferson & Liberty (Film Mix) 1:23
25. Hoist The Flag 2:18
26. The Sicilian Circle 1:52
27. The Bonnie Blue Flag 1:17
Total Source Music Time: 11:34
Disc One Total Time: 68:47


1. A Call To Arms 3:10
2. After Antietam 2:40
3. Lonely Christmas 1:55
4. Forming The Regiment 5:27
5. The Whipping 2:09
6. Burning The Town Of Darien 2:31
7. Brave Words, Braver Deeds 3:10
8. The Year Of Jubilee 2:26
9. Preparations For Battle 7:35
10. Charging Fort Wagner 2:53
11. An Epitaph To War 2:35
12. Closing Credits 6:52
Total Original Soundtrack Album Time: 43:23

13. A Call To Arms (With Wild Opening) 3:29
14. Flashback (Alternate No. 1) :44
15. Worth A Life (Alternate No. 1) 1:25
16. Flashback (Alternate No. 2) :43
17 Worth A Life (Alternate No. 2) 1:23
18. Charging Fort Wagner (Alternate) 2:55
Total Additional Music Time: 10:39
Disc Two Total Time: 54:13
Two-Disc Total Time: 2:03:00