1. ホーム


価格(税込): ¥4,378

品番: QR558
発売日: 2024/07/23
フォーマット: 1CD


『EL SALTO』は、ギニア・コナクリからスペインにやってきたイブラヒムが、マドリードに定住し、自分と家族のためにスペインでの生活を確立していく姿を描いた社会派ドラマ・スリラーである。ある日、彼は警察に逮捕され、滞在許可証がないという理由で母国に強制送還される。その瞬間から、彼の唯一の目標はスペインに戻ることだった。アフリカを旅した後、彼はアフリカとヨーロッパの間に位置する難民キャンプに落ち着く。そこで彼は、モロッコと北アフリカのスペイン領を隔てる国境フェンスを飛び越えようと決意した少女、アミナータと出会う。しかし、これは誰もができることではない。



Quartet Records, in collaboration with Solisterrae Music, presents the soundtrack album of a new score by Goya Award-winning composer Pascal Gaigne (ERREMENTARI, HANDIA, EL FARO DE LAS ORCAS, PIEDRAS) for a new film directed by Benito Zambrano.

EL SALTO is a social drama-thriller about Ibrahim, who arrives in Spain from Guinea-Conakry, settles in Madrid and establishes a life there for himself and his family. One day he is arrested by the police and deported to his home country for lacking a residence permit. From that moment on, his only goal is to return to Spain. After traveling through Africa, he settles in a refugee camp located between Africa and Europe. There he meets Aminata, a girl determined to jump the border fence separating Morocco from North African Spanish territory. This, however, is a physical feat that not everyone can achieve.

Pascal Gaigne has written a very emotional and sensitive score. Performed by the Bratislava Symphony Orchestra under the baton of David Hernando Rico, it features different soloists acting as the inner voices of the characters ? especially cello, laud (a Spanish folk cittern) and percussion.

This album represents, once again, the powerful and unique voice of Pascal Gaigne within the contemporary European film music community. Limited 300 copies


1. El salto / Ibra / Redada (3:47)
2. El viaje (3:03)
3. En la comisaria (1:33)
4. Ibra (1:42)
5. Ousman (2:12)
6. Deportacion (2:54)
7. Encerrados (0:34)
8. Confianza (0:32)
9. Cet Homme est Mort (1:27)
10. El viaje 2 (1:18)
11. Merci Madame (0:59)
12. Campo (0:54)
13. Melilla (0:47)
14. Cuisiniere (1:05)
15. Policier en civil (0:53)
16. El salto 2 (1:05)
17. Football Dream (0:33)
18. Cloture (2:18)
19. Courez ! (3:54)
20. Aminata (3:03)
21. El salto 3 (0:37)
22. Ultima noche (2:18)
23. Chacun son Dieu (0:51)
24. El salto 4 (7:44)
25. El viaje (3:25)