1. ホーム
  2. 薔薇のスタビスキー


価格(税込): ¥4,268

品番: QR271
発売日: 2017/03/31
フォーマット: 1CD

廃盤商品。在庫1枚のみ。アラン・レネ監督、 ジャン=ポール・ベルモンド主演、フランス政財界を揺るがした実際の事件をもとにした詐欺師の物語。リマスターされたアルバム収録楽曲に加え、約20分もの未発表曲を追加収録した完全盤! 音楽は「スウィーニー・トッド フリート街の悪魔の理髪師」、「レッズ」のスティーヴン・ソンドハイム。限定500枚。

30年代初頭のフランス。実業家スタビスキーは、サギまがいの行為で大金を稼いでいた。彼は政財界の大物と親交を結び、貴族よりも優雅な生活を送るが、やがて彼を怪しんだ当局の調べで、国外へ逃亡する羽目になる……。出演: ジャン=ポール・ベルモンド、 シャルル・ボワイエ、 アニー・デュプレー。1973年フランス。

Quartet Records presents an expanded and remastered edition of Stephen Sondheim’s elegant, charming score for Alain Resnais’ 1974 French classic Stavisky, starring Jean-Paul Belmondo, Anny Duperey, Michel Lonsdale and Charles Boyer.

The plot centers on an irresistibly charming and talented small-time swindler, Serge Alexandre (alias Stavisky) who befriends some of the most influential members of the French industrial and political elite during the early 1930s. But nothing lasts forever, and when his great scam involving hundreds of millions of francs is exposed, the result is an unprecedented scandal that leads to political upheaval and almost causes a civil war.

The film is also famous for being the only full-orchestra score composed by Stephen Sondheim, one of the most important and recognized figures on the Broadway musical scene. Although he has composed songs and themes for other movies (Reds, Dick Tracy, The Birdcage), Stavisky is his only full-length film score. The music, brilliantly orchestrated by Jonathan Tunick, has a chamber orchestra-like texture and resists any grand symphonic gestures or climaxes. It features numerous waltzes as well as two delightful period pastiches.

The soundtrack album of Stavisky was released by C.A.M in Italy, and licensed to Polydor in France and RCA in the U.S.A. Subsequently, C.A.M released the CD edition twice, but only with the album program. For this new edition, mastered by Claudio Fuiano, we went back to the first-generation master tapes, courtesy of Gruppo Sugar, and offer the remastered album plus 20 minutes of previously unreleased tracks, having now the most complete edition of this distinguished score. The CD package includes a 16-page full-color booklet with detailed liner notes by Frank K. DeWald.---レーベルより



01. Generique (Main Title) (2:09)
02. Au “Claridge” 1 (At The Claridge #1) (2:32)
03. Arlette le jour (Arlette by Day) (1:58)
04. Concours d’elegance (Auto Show) (1:27)
05. La Vie facile (The Easy Life) (1:35)
06. Le Bureau la nuit (The Office at Night) (2:07)
07. Erna (Erna) (2:15)
08. Passe lointain (Distant Past) (1:39)
09. Arlette la nuit (Arlette by Night) (3:14)
10. L’Aeroport de Biarritz (Airport at Biarritz) (2:16)
11. Trotsky a Saint-Palais (Trotsky at Saint-Palais) (2:12)
12. Montalvo a Biarritz (Montalvo at Biarritz) (0:40)
13. Operette (Operetta) (1:34)
14. Arlette et Alexandre (Arlette and Alexandre) (2:00)
15. Passe proche (Recent Past) (1:48)
16. Au “Claridge” 2 (At The Claridge #2) (2:12)
17. L’appartement au “Claridge”(Suite at The Claridge) (1:09)
18. La Maison du pere (Father’s House) (3:21)
19. Adieu Arlette (Goodbye Arlette) (1:27)
20. Le “Vieux Logis” a Chamonix (Hideout at Chamonix) (1:22)
21. ... A la recherche d’Erna (Erna Remembered) (1:25)
22. Le Futur (The Future) (1:03)
23. Les Femmes et la mort (Women and Death) (1:51)
24. Final (End Title) (1:59)
Bonus Tracks and Alternates
25. Generique (Long Version) (2:44))
26. Arlette le jour (Short Version) (1:15)
27. Le “Vieux Logis” a Chamonix (Alt. Take) (1:30)
28. Arlette le jour (Alt. Take) (0:49)
29. Arlette la nuit (Alt. Take) (2:26)
30. Passe lointain (Alt. Take) (1:43)
31. Trotsky a Saint-Palais (Short Version) (0:49)
32. ... A la recherche d’Erna (Alt. Take) (1:55)
33. Le “Vieux Logis” a Chamonix (Alt. Take) (1:52)
34. Passe proche (Alt. Take) (2:01)
35. Trotsky a Saint-Palais (Alt. Take) (1:22)
36. Montalvo a Biarritz (Alt. Take) (0:54)
37. Final (Long Version) (2:27)
Total Disc Time: 68:11