1. ホーム
  2. ピンチクリフ グランプリ

ピンチクリフ グランプリ

価格(税込): ¥5,368

品番: PS190819
発売日: 2020/02/21
フォーマット: 1CD


本作は、公開から30年の時を超えても尚、ノルウェー映画史上、観客動員数No.1の記録を保持している。当時劇場には、真の意味で老若男女が足を運んだ。その数、当時の国内人口の2/3にも相当するというから驚きだ。そして、93年にはチケットの累計売枚数が総人口を上回り、500万枚突破という驚異的な数字を叩き出した!(ノルウェー人口:約460万人/現在)。 そのブームは国内にとどまらず、北欧での爆発的大ヒットに続いてヨーロッパ各地に飛び火し、一大ムーブメントを巻き起こす。世紀を超えてもその人気は廃(すた)れることなく、世代ごとに受け継がれている。
製作年数5年、家具職人の粋な技 主人公の家に置かれた家具調度類、車作りの際に使うネジやボルト、そしてサーキットの客席でレースを見守る数多の人々――ジャズバンドが演奏するシーンは、全ての楽器に対して演奏者の指の動きが正確に反映されている!――。 本作には、人形アニメとは到底思えない細やかさが至るところにあるのだ。

We are extremely proud to present the first ever release of the score for the iconic Norwegian film ‘Pinchcliffe Grand Prix’, released in 1975 by Caprino Studios.
The music ? composed by Danish composer Bent Fabricius-Bjerre ? has long been hailed as one of the greatest scores of its age, and yet it has remained unavailable until now!

Pinchcliffe (or Flaklypa in Norwegian / Bjergkobing in Danish) Grand Prix is the most succesful Norwegian film of all time. Since its release in 1975 it has sold more than 5 million theatre tickets, which is quite an achievement considering there are only 5 million people living in Norway!!
The movie also became very popular outside of Norway, and still has a big following in Europe, Asia and America.

Build on the famous characters created by Kjell Aukrust, Pinchcliffe Grand Prix is a true stop-motion masterpiece made possible largely due to the tireless efforts of the films creator Ivo Caprino.
The main character Reodor (eng. Theodore) lives in the small town of Pinchcliffe. An inventor/bicycle repair man, he and his two companions Ludwig (eng. Lambert), a pessimistic and melancholic hedgehog, and Solan (eng. Sonny) an overly energetic and positive Magpie, get by doing a bit of work for whomever happens to stop by.
One day Reodor’s old apprentice Rudolph ? now a famous racing driver ? appears on tv, boasting that he is unbeatable and will accept any challenge.
He contributes his succes to a device he claims to have invented, that makes his car unbeatable. Reodor regonizes the device as one of his own inventions, and the gang decide to challenge Rudolph, by building Reodors masterpiece, the car ‘Il Tempo Gigante’.

Many contributes part of the film’s succes to the richly thematic score by Bent Fabricius-Bjerre. One of the themes even became so deeply inherent in Norway that many still believe it to be a national folksong.
The theme, know as ‘Norwegian Sunet’ has since been covered by many artists, and still remains one of the most beautiful themes ever written.

Now, three months after the film’s 40th anniversary, the original music is finally available for the first time ever.

The album is presented in a beautiful jewel case, with extensive linar notes written by film music expert Mogens Skaaning Hoegsberg.
The music presented on the album is nearly 50 minutes and includes:
? The complete score
? Source music used in the film* --- from label.




Pinchcliffe (Opening) [1:02]
There Lies Pinchcliffe [1:39]
Sonny [0:26]
Lambert’s Theme/Getting Started [1:44]
All in a Days Work [3:29]
Norwegian Sunset (Reodor’s Ballade) [2:03]
Sonny’s Morning Routine [0:46]
Aladdin Oil [0:49]
Hatching the Plan [0:52]
Racing Down the Mountain [0:52]
Soline’s Dance [1:57]
Bolero [2:09]
Early Bird Lambert [0:40]
Fetching the Newspaper [0:26]
Lambert Tumbles [0:26]
Fy Fazan Departs [1:05]
Fy Fazan Arrives [0:14]
Building Il Tempo Gigante [3:59]
Sabotage [4:42]
The Pinchcliffe Fanfare [0:32]*
The Poem [0:49]
Il Tempo Gigante Unveiled [0:21]*
March Kantate Opus 2 [3:07]
Home Sweet Home [1:24]
Reprise (End Credits) [2:30]

All music composed by Bent Fabricius-Bjerre
Except * Licensed from Warner Chappell

Executive Producer: Jesper Hansen
Artwork: Javier Burgos
Mastered by: Kasper Viiberg
Liner Notes: Mogens Skaaning Hoegsberg