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  2. ナイトライダー Vol.7 (USBドライブ)

ナイトライダー Vol.7 (USBドライブ)
KNIGHT RIDER Vol.7 (flash drive)

参考価格(税込): ¥29,997
セール価格(税込): 20,997
OFF \9,000 (30%)

品番: PRD-085
発売日: 2014/12/23
フォーマット: 1CD

廃盤商品。『ナイトライダー』は、1982年9月26日から1986年8月8日に米国で放映された特撮テレビドラマ。サウンドトラック第7弾!今回はクレジットカードサイズのUSBドライブにWAVEとMP3の音楽データを収録。USBドライブは8GBの容量で、音楽データは1GBに満たないので、7GBは自由に使えます。音楽はドン・ピーク。テーマ曲作曲はスチュー・フィリップスとグレン・A・ラーソン。この第7弾には、シーズン4第1話『無敵装甲戦車ジャガー・ノート 大激突!「破壊編・再生編」』のエピソードとシーズン2第2話『驚異のスーパーカーナイト2000水上爆進!黄金像の謎を暴け!』の音楽を収録。250枚限定。

Knight Rider theme composed by Stu Philliips and Glen A. Larson

We are proud to announce the SEVENTH and FINAL volume of Don Peake's scores from the the classic 1980s television series, Knight Rider. Knight Rider, as the voice over will tell you before each and every episode, was ''a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who did not exist''. For four seasons we saw crime fighter Michael Knight and his fully loaded car, K.I.T.T., fight bad guys. The show made David Hasselhoff a worldwide star while Knight Rider lives on in reruns and on DVD.

This is something very special: It is not a CD, but rather a credit card-sized USB flash drive that contains wav and mp3 files of the music Don composed for the episodes ''Knight of the Juggernaut'' and ''Return to Cadiz''. The flash drive itself has a capacity of 8 GB, but only less than 1 GB is used up by the music files, so you have over 7GB to store your own music or create a Best of Knight Rider compilation. You can do whatever you want with the extra space. Only 250 of each volume were made, and a lot of them were sold at the Knights of Atlanta fan con when Don introduced these new gadgets. Limited quantities remain! ---レーベルより。


Volume 7 features music from the following episodes:
1. Knight of the Juggernaut (29:15)
2. Return to Cadiz (28:30)