これは、フィジカル・ミュージック・コレクターとヴィンス・ディコラのファンのためのEPプレゼンテーションである。 20分弱のプログラムです。br> Notefornote Music is proud to be partnering with Fimucite to release composer Vince DiCola's Rocky IV: The Symphonic Rock Suite.
This release comes in 4 different colors. 85 each of Red, White, Blue AND around 50 random bonus copies will have all colors combined! They are packaged so we don't know what color will be in your order so know this when you place your orders. We used pristine sources for this release. 2424 Vinyl (Michigan) is handling our manufacturing (they did the last couple releases we have put out - TV Tiki Tunes and 50 States of Fright and the quality was phenomenal).
Notefornote Music is proud to be partnering with Fimucite to release composer Vince DiCola's Rocky IV: The Symphonic Rock Suite.
Recorded live at the 13th edition of the Tenerife International Film Music Festival (Fimucite). Arranged by Leigh Phillips, conducted by Diego Navarro and performed at the Auditorium of Tenerife by the CPMTFE-CSMC Fimucite Youth Symphony Orchestra, composed of students from the Professional Music Conservatory of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and of the Conservatory of Music of the Canary Islands this landmark world premiere concert featured Vince on keyboards performing his compositions from the film.
This is an EP presentation for physical music collectors and fans of Vince DiCola. The program runs just under 20 minutes.
1 Training Montage (7:14) 2 Heart's On Fire/Up The Mountain (Performed by Marc Quee & Patty Gonzalez) (6:11) 3 War (6:32)
International Film Music Festival (Fimucite)で録音された「ロッキー4/炎の友情」のシンフォニック・ロック組曲。指揮はディエゴ・ナヴァロ。全3曲、20分弱の音楽を収録。アナログ盤。限定300枚。
トラックリストカラーは4種類。 レッド、ホワイト、ブルーが各85枚、そしてボーナスとして約50枚が全色揃います! この4色はパッケージングされているため、どの色があなたのオーダーに入るかはわかりません。 このリリースには、原始的なソースを使用した。 2424 Vinyl (ミシガン州)が製造を担当してくれています(彼らは過去にリリースしたTV Tiki Tunesと50 States of Frightを手掛けてくれ、そのクオリティは驚異的でした)。
Notefornote MusicはFimuciteと提携し、作曲家Vince DiColaの『Rocky IV: The Symphonic Rock Suite』をリリースできることを誇りに思う。
第13回テネリフェ国際映画音楽祭(Fimucite)でのライヴ録音。 リー・フィリップス編曲、ディエゴ・ナヴァロ指揮、サンタ・クルス・デ・テネリフェ専門音楽院とカナリア諸島音楽院の学生で構成されたCPMTFE-CSMCフィムシテ・ユース・シンフォニー・オーケストラによるテネリフェのオーディトリアムでの演奏。
これは、フィジカル・ミュージック・コレクターとヴィンス・ディコラのファンのためのEPプレゼンテーションである。 20分弱のプログラムです。br>
Notefornote Music is proud to be partnering with Fimucite to release composer Vince DiCola's Rocky IV: The Symphonic Rock Suite.
This release comes in 4 different colors. 85 each of Red, White, Blue AND around 50 random bonus copies will have all colors combined! They are packaged so we don't know what color will be in your order so know this when you place your orders. We used pristine sources for this release. 2424 Vinyl (Michigan) is handling our manufacturing (they did the last couple releases we have put out - TV Tiki Tunes and 50 States of Fright and the quality was phenomenal).
Notefornote Music is proud to be partnering with Fimucite to release composer Vince DiCola's Rocky IV: The Symphonic Rock Suite.
Recorded live at the 13th edition of the Tenerife International Film Music Festival (Fimucite). Arranged by Leigh Phillips, conducted by Diego Navarro and performed at the Auditorium of Tenerife by the CPMTFE-CSMC Fimucite Youth Symphony Orchestra, composed of students from the Professional Music Conservatory of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and of the Conservatory of Music of the Canary Islands this landmark world premiere concert featured Vince on keyboards performing his compositions from the film.
This is an EP presentation for physical music collectors and fans of Vince DiCola. The program runs just under 20 minutes.
1 Training Montage (7:14)
2 Heart's On Fire/Up The Mountain (Performed by Marc Quee & Patty Gonzalez) (6:11)
3 War (6:32)