Goblin's incredible music for Profondo Rosso (Deep Red) is a real jolt to the senses. Jittering drums, pummeling basslines, and soaring synths create an incredible funky yet disquieting soundtrack to Dario Argento's visuals. We are super proud to bring you this limited edition one-off pressing of Goblin's main theme, with a previously unreleased version of Death Dies on the flipside featuring the demonic laugh of the Mad Puppet himself.
ゴブリンの『サスペリア2』の素晴らしい音楽は、五感を揺さぶる。震えるドラム、叩きつけるようなベースライン、そして高鳴るシンセが、ダリオ・アルジェントの映像に、ファンキーでありながら不穏な、素晴らしいサウンドトラックを創り出した。ゴブリンのメイン・テーマと、マッド・パペット自身の悪魔的な笑い声をフィーチャーした未発表ヴァージョンのDeath DiesがB面に収録された限定盤!
トラックリストGoblin's incredible music for Profondo Rosso (Deep Red) is a real jolt to the senses. Jittering drums, pummeling basslines, and soaring synths create an incredible funky yet disquieting soundtrack to Dario Argento's visuals. We are super proud to bring you this limited edition one-off pressing of Goblin's main theme, with a previously unreleased version of Death Dies on the flipside featuring the demonic laugh of the Mad Puppet himself.
Side A
PROFONDO ROSSO 3:42 (Simonetti ? Morante ? Pignatelli ? Martino)
Side B
DEATH DIES (with Mad Puppet’s laugh intro*) 4:41 (Simonetti ? Morante ? Pignatelli ? Martino)
Music arranged and performed by GOBLIN
International Coordination for Cinevox Record: Carlo Bagnolo Mastering: Claudio Fuiano
new intro previously unreleased