1. pote pote walkin' 2. hello! 3. silly noon 4. funky thumb 5. little and small 6. pretty promise 7. eyecatch(hurry up) 8. snooze 9. hello!(roll with it) 10. teatime will be pop 11. her first love 12. sentimental cowboy 13. taste of oranges 14. people are strange(xylophone) 15. people are strange(piano) 16. hello!(in the classroom) 17. daytrippers' square 18. cookies and candies 19. smile smile 20. peace of mind games 21. only lonely boy 22. hello!(hi-speed) 23. rock'n roll 24. easygoing fellow 25. eyecatch(telling you) 26. a trombone 27. boys & girls 28. garden hours 29. cheap meranchory 30. farthest days blues 31. memories(boy's side) 32. memories(girl's side) 33. happy chase 34. guchu guchu talkin' 35. guchu guchu walkin' 36. hello!(undercoverd) 37. subtitles background 38. pretty promise(by your side) 39. live with you 40. angel in our towns 41. don't cry anymore 42. boys & girls(each alone) 43. very night music 44. on this line 45. melodies with love 46. her first love(will be happy) 47. 片道きゃっちぼーる(Tv size)/ MOSAIC.WAV 48. パンの歌 49. プリンの歌 50. ホンワカ行進曲 51. うたたね(TV size)/ 茶太
TVアニメ「ぽてまよ」のオリジナルサウンドトラック! 音楽を手がけるのは、菊谷知樹。ぽてまよのふにふに世界に彩を添える、あったかくて、ほんわかBGM。
トラックリスト1. pote pote walkin'
2. hello!
3. silly noon
4. funky thumb
5. little and small
6. pretty promise
7. eyecatch(hurry up)
8. snooze
9. hello!(roll with it)
10. teatime will be pop
11. her first love
12. sentimental cowboy
13. taste of oranges
14. people are strange(xylophone)
15. people are strange(piano)
16. hello!(in the classroom)
17. daytrippers' square
18. cookies and candies
19. smile smile
20. peace of mind games
21. only lonely boy
22. hello!(hi-speed)
23. rock'n roll
24. easygoing fellow
25. eyecatch(telling you)
26. a trombone
27. boys & girls
28. garden hours
29. cheap meranchory
30. farthest days blues
31. memories(boy's side)
32. memories(girl's side)
33. happy chase
34. guchu guchu talkin'
35. guchu guchu walkin'
36. hello!(undercoverd)
37. subtitles background
38. pretty promise(by your side)
39. live with you
40. angel in our towns
41. don't cry anymore
42. boys & girls(each alone)
43. very night music
44. on this line
45. melodies with love
46. her first love(will be happy)
47. 片道きゃっちぼーる(Tv size)/ MOSAIC.WAV
48. パンの歌
49. プリンの歌
50. ホンワカ行進曲
51. うたたね(TV size)/ 茶太