1. ホーム
  2. 怪物の女性/海獣の霊を呼ぶ女


価格(税込): ¥5,038

レーベル: KRONOS
発売日: 2025/02/21
フォーマット: 1CD


音楽はロナルド・スタインが作曲・指揮を担当し、大仰な叙事詩のようなスコアを書いた。このスコアは、この映画にぴったりで、この映画を数段良いものにしただけでなく、黄金時代にインスパイアされた叙事詩のようなスコアの時代が来ることを示した! この時代の叙事詩のスコアには、小編成のアンサンブルのためのメロディアスでソフトなテーマが欠かせない。

スタインがこの映画のために書き下ろした、最終カットには入らなかったいくつかの音楽と、2つのボーナス別バージョンを含む、完全な形で初めて発表された真の逸品です! このスコアの短縮版は、何年も前に別のレーベルからCDでリリースされたが、曲名が誤っていたり、順番がずれていたりした。私たちのリリースでは、映画の順番で正確な再編集を行い(映画で省略された音楽を含む)、350枚限定盤CDとして皆様にお届けします! --- レーベルより。

Kronos Records is proud to present the soundtrack of the 1956 esoteric horror THE SHE-CREATURE, the 1956 film by Edward L. Cahn, starringLance Fuller in the lead role of Dr. Ted Erickson, Marla English as the mysterious Andrea and Chester Morris in the role of Dr. Carlo Lombardi. THE SHE-CREATURE`s plot revolves about mysterious hypnotist Dr. Carlo Lombardi reverts his beautiful assistant Andrea back into the form of a prehistoric sea monster that she was in a past life. Dr. Erickson is originally set on debunking Dr. Rambaldi as a charlatan but he's in for a very scary surprise, and more!

The music was composed and conducted by Ronald Stein, who wrote a big, bombastic epic score that not only fits the film like a glove and takes it up a few good notches but marked an era to come of more Golden age inspired epic scoring! Obligatory to any epic score of the era is a good dose of melodic and softer themes for smaller ensembles, most notably lead by woodwinds to underscore the romantic side of the film.

A true gem presented for the first time ever and in its complete form, including some music Stein wrote for the film which did not make it in the final cut and two bonus alternate cues! A shorter version of the score was released on CD many years ago by another label, the tracks were misnamed and placed out of sequence. On our release we are presenting an accurate re-elaboration in film order (inlcuding the music that was omitted from the film) and presented to you in a limited edition CD strictly limited to 350 copies!


2. Dr. Carlo Lombardi

4. Andrea

5. Lombardi's Eyes

6. Barker's Death

8. Ectoplasm

9. She Stays As She Is

11. Lab Scene

12. News Montage

14. Car Radio

15. Couple's Death

16. Crash Scene

17. Dog Attack

18. She Creature Summoned

19. She Creature Departs

20. Your Beauty Must Live


22. The Unknown Depths

23. Sophistication

24. In A Living Room

25. Cool Rhumba

26. Mambo Fine

27. Piano

28. Amusement Park

29. Harp Glissando