イタリアの作家であり監督でもあるロモロ・マルチェリーニによる長編ドキュメンタリー映画『GLI ITALIANI E L'INDUSTRIA』のサウンドトラックが初CD化!音楽は伝説的な作曲家ピエロ・ウミリアーニ(『ARAGOSTA A COLAZIONE』、『AFRICA TO-DAY』、『STORIA E PREISTORIA』の作曲家)。
GLI ITALIANI E L INDUSTRIAがCDフォーマットでリリースされるのは今回が初めてで、300枚限定となっている。
Kronos Records is proud to present the soundtrack of GLI ITALIANI E L'INDUSTRIA feature documentary by Italian writer and director Romolo Marcellini, with music composed by none less than legendary PIERO UMILANI (composer of ARAGOSTA A COLAZIONE, AFRICA TO-DAY and STORIA E PREISTORIA)
UMILIANI wrote a very modern and contemporary soundtrack with a serious dose of experimenting, especially on the latter part of the disc. Whereas the first half is more melodic and upbeat.
The music varies from easy jazz to free jazz, from pop-beat to avantgarde. Eclectic is the name of the game and at the end of the day the genius of Umiliani shines through.
A vinyl album was released back in 1967 by Omicron. This version is pretty much impossible to find and has been a collector`s item for decades.
This is the first time ever that GLI ITALIANI E L INDUSTRIA is released on CD format and it is strictly Limited To 300 Copies.
イタリアの作家であり監督でもあるロモロ・マルチェリーニによる長編ドキュメンタリー映画『GLI ITALIANI E L'INDUSTRIA』のサウンドトラックが初CD化!音楽は伝説的な作曲家ピエロ・ウミリアーニ(『ARAGOSTA A COLAZIONE』、『AFRICA TO-DAY』、『STORIA E PREISTORIA』の作曲家)。
GLI ITALIANI E L INDUSTRIAがCDフォーマットでリリースされるのは今回が初めてで、300枚限定となっている。
Kronos Records is proud to present the soundtrack of GLI ITALIANI E L'INDUSTRIA feature documentary by Italian writer and director Romolo Marcellini, with music composed by none less than legendary PIERO UMILANI (composer of ARAGOSTA A COLAZIONE, AFRICA TO-DAY and STORIA E PREISTORIA)
UMILIANI wrote a very modern and contemporary soundtrack with a serious dose of experimenting, especially on the latter part of the disc. Whereas the first half is more melodic and upbeat.
The music varies from easy jazz to free jazz, from pop-beat to avantgarde. Eclectic is the name of the game and at the end of the day the genius of Umiliani shines through.
A vinyl album was released back in 1967 by Omicron. This version is pretty much impossible to find and has been a collector`s item for decades.
This is the first time ever that GLI ITALIANI E L INDUSTRIA is released on CD format and it is strictly Limited To 300 Copies.
1. Andiamo a Spasso
2. Ballata Western
3. Tempo di Week-End
4. Playtime
5. Natascia
6. Music Box
7. Troppo Pigro
8. Negozi Alla Moda
9. Microracing
10. Automatismo
11. Calcolatori Elettronici
12. Cibernetica
13. Coltura Virus
14. Ferrovia Sotterranea
15. Bolidi Al Collaudo
16. Rally Notturno