KRONOS RECORDS and MOVIESCORE MEDIA present another sublime score from Scandinavian cinema. Written and directed by Vibeke Idsoe based on the 2006 novel by Norwegian author Erik Fosnes Hansen, The Lion Woman tells the tale of Eva Arctander, a girl who suffers from a rare genetic disorder which makes hairs grow over large parts of her body. Born in 1912 while her mother dies during childbirth, Eva’s father initially tries to hide his daughter, but Eva cannot be held back from achieving her dreams. Despite humiliating examinations and bullying, Eva still falls in love, experiences respect and disrespect and discovers company by joining in a theater group featuring other folk who also suffer from rare diseases. The film follows Eva through ages 7, 14 and 22 in a most unusual coming-of stage story.
Composer Uno Helmersson explores the uplifting story of Eva with an emotionally evocative, thematically rich score exploring all three stages in the girls development in accepting herself. As the composer puts it: “The Lion Woman is a story about being different, trying to make your way through life. It is also a story about the complex relationship between a father and daughter - guilt, pride, judgement and love. The music in general comments both the inner as the outer world of Eva and her voyage. It also emphasize the relationship between Eva and her father Gustav. With its slightly melancholic, driving, beautiful and magic world - it takes you on Eve's journey through life.”
The Lion Woman soundtrack features additional music by Kristian Eidnes Andersen, best known for his contributions to the films of Lars von Trier.
The CD is limited to 300 copies and will not last long!
01 - The Lion Woman 02 - Opening 03 - The Birth 04 - The Route 05 - Gustav 06 - Hanna and Eve 07 - Christmas Party 08 - Being Different 09 - The Telegraph 10 - The Search for Eve 11 - First Day at School 12 - Gnistan 13 - The Abuse 14 - Soothing 15 - The Theatre Company 16 - Gazing Through the Window 17 - To Copenhagen 18 - Snail Treatment 19 - At Copenhagen 20 - Home By Bike 21 - Growing Up 22 - Sorbonne 23 - Gnistan Leaves 24 - The Drawing 25 - Coda
アンブラス症候群という全身を髪の毛が覆う少女の美しい物語を映画化。スカンジナビア映画のオリジナル・サウンドトラック。音楽は「特捜部Q キジ殺し」のウノ・ヘルマーソン。主人公の女性は自身がそういう姿で生まれたために数多くの問題に直面するが、自分をマネージメントし非凡の人生を歩んでゆくというストーリー。2006年のErik Fosnes Hansenの小説を2016年に映画化。限定300枚。
トラックリストKRONOS RECORDS and MOVIESCORE MEDIA present another sublime score from Scandinavian cinema. Written and directed by Vibeke Idsoe based on the 2006 novel by Norwegian author Erik Fosnes Hansen, The Lion Woman tells the tale of Eva Arctander, a girl who suffers from a rare genetic disorder which makes hairs grow over large parts of her body. Born in 1912 while her mother dies during childbirth, Eva’s father initially tries to hide his daughter, but Eva cannot be held back from achieving her dreams. Despite humiliating examinations and bullying, Eva still falls in love, experiences respect and disrespect and discovers company by joining in a theater group featuring other folk who also suffer from rare diseases. The film follows Eva through ages 7, 14 and 22 in a most unusual coming-of stage story.
Composer Uno Helmersson explores the uplifting story of Eva with an emotionally evocative, thematically rich score exploring all three stages in the girls development in accepting herself. As the composer puts it: “The Lion Woman is a story about being different, trying to make your way through life. It is also a story about the complex relationship between a father and daughter - guilt, pride, judgement and love. The music in general comments both the inner as the outer world of Eva and her voyage. It also emphasize the relationship between Eva and her father Gustav. With its slightly melancholic, driving, beautiful and magic world - it takes you on Eve's journey through life.”
The Lion Woman soundtrack features additional music by Kristian Eidnes Andersen, best known for his contributions to the films of Lars von Trier.
The CD is limited to 300 copies and will not last long!
01 - The Lion Woman
02 - Opening
03 - The Birth
04 - The Route
05 - Gustav
06 - Hanna and Eve
07 - Christmas Party
08 - Being Different
09 - The Telegraph
10 - The Search for Eve
11 - First Day at School
12 - Gnistan
13 - The Abuse
14 - Soothing
15 - The Theatre Company
16 - Gazing Through the Window
17 - To Copenhagen
18 - Snail Treatment
19 - At Copenhagen
20 - Home By Bike
21 - Growing Up
22 - Sorbonne
23 - Gnistan Leaves
24 - The Drawing
25 - Coda