1. ホーム
  2. ストレイト・ストーリー


価格(税込): ¥5,775

品番: ISC-509
発売日: 2024/05/28
フォーマット: 1CD

Intrada Special Collection。アンジェロ・バダレメンティの魅力的でほろ苦い『ストレート・ストーリー』のスコアが再リリース!
デヴィッド・リンチ監督による『ストレート・ストーリー』は、『ブルーベルベット』、『マルホランド・ドライブ』、そして高い評価を得た『ツイン・ピークス』など、二人のパートナーシップをさらに発展させた作品である。スコアは主に2つのテーマに焦点を当てている。スコアの核となるのは、彼の最も痛烈なメロディーのひとつである「ローズのテーマ」。"マイペース "と誤解され、深い思いやりを持つ娘を反映したこの曲は、優しいギターとストリングスが、キッチンでの事故で不当な責任を負わされ、子供を奪われた女性の耐え難い喪失感を表現している。バダラメンティは、アルヴィンというキャラクターについて、彼の真面目でサゲマン的な魅力に鋭いチューニングを施し、フィドルとギターのずる賢いリズムをフィーチャーしたテーマで、ゆったりとした歩みから緩やかな駈歩へと進む。これはすべて、愛らしく真面目な物語のための愛らしい作品の一部なのだ。


Intrada Special Collection. Intrada announces a reissue of Angelo Badalementi's charming and bittersweet score to The Straight Story. Directed by David Lynch, The Straight Story furthered their partnership that had previously included Blue Velvet, Mulholland Drive and the acclaimed Twin Peaks. The score focuses on two primary themes. At the core of the score is one of his most poignant melodies, "Rose's Theme," reflecting a deeply caring daughter mischaracterized as "slow,” a tender guitar and strings expressing the unbearable loss of a woman who’s had her children taken from her after being unfairly blamed for a kitchen accident. For the character of Alvin, Badalamenti keenly tunes in on his earnest, sagebrush appeal with a theme that features a sly fiddle-and-guitar rhythm that goes from a leisurely stride to a gentle canter. It's all part of a lovely work for a lovely and earnest story.
This latest CD release of the score features the same contents as previous releases (which already ran longer than the score in the film proper), but with the addition of in-depth liner notes by Daniel Schweiger as well as updated packaging including newly created key art. The album will also be available digitally.

The story involves 73-year-old Alvin Straight (Richard Farnsworth). Though poor eyesight had prevented him from getting a driver’s license, nothing would stop him from seeing his estranged brother, Henry, who’d suffered a stroke. Setting out on a lawnmower strong enough to tow a trailer, Straight determinedly rode 240 miles at a top speed of five mph over the course of six weeks, traveling from his hometown of Laurens, Iowa, over the Mississippi to Henry’s residence in Mount Zion, Wisconsin.


Play all clips

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01. Laurens, Iowa (2:45)
02. Rose’s Theme (2:55)
03. Laurens Walking (4:11)
04. Sprinkler (2:56)
05. Alvin’s Theme (4:24)
06. Final Miles (4:06)
07. Country Waltz (2:45)

08. Rose’s Theme (Variation) (3:07)
09. Country Theme (3:37)
10. Crystal (4:07)
11. Nostalgia (6:51)
12. Farmland Tour (3:08)
13. Montage (7:24)