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  2. 死霊の牙 (エクスパンデッド盤)

死霊の牙 (エクスパンデッド盤)

価格(税込): ¥5,753

品番: ISC-486
発売日: 2023/01/10
フォーマット: 1CD

Intrada Special Collection. スティーヴン・キング原作・脚本の人狼SFXホラー快作「死霊の牙」のサウンドトラック。 全30曲、56分収録のエクスパンデッド盤で登場!
作曲家ジェイ・チャタウェイは、マーティが移動するシーンで流れるメロディアスな長調のシルバーバレットのテーマを中心にスコアを構成し、最後には自由奔放なボーカルとして機能させる。特にマーティの妹が彼の主張を裏付ける証拠を探す場面や、レッドおじさんが銃から発射する別のシルバーバレットを用意する場面では、甘く悲しい音色が響きます。また、マーティとレッドおじさん、そして狼男の対決で盛り上がるチェイスのキューなど、謎の殺人事件をめぐる激しいキューもバランスよく収められている。エレクトロニクスとフルオーケストラのために書かれたこの作品は、かなりの領域をカバーしていますが、全体を通して繰り返される主要な音楽モチーフによって、一貫性を保っています。オリジナルの3チャンネル・ステレオ・ミックスからリマスターし、エクスパンデッド盤でお届けします。ジョン・タキスによる解説、ケイ・マーシャルによるデザイン、フリッパースタイルのブックレットカバーなど、パッケージも充実している。オーケストレーションはBarb Lubyが担当。ジェイ・チャタウェイが作曲、指揮。限定盤。


Jay Chattaway horror score is newly expanded on CD! Paramount releases, Dino De Laurentiis presents, Stephen King scripts from his own novelette, “Cycle Of The Werewolf”, Daniel Attias directs, Gary Busey, Everett McGill, Corey Haim star. Disabled pre-teen Marty Coslaw is convinced he knows who - or what - is behind the numerous grisly murders happening in his small home town in Maine. Wheeling about in his motorized wheel chair, given to him by his alcoholic Uncle Red and christened the Silver Bullet, Marty seeks proof of the existence of werewolves. Needing convincing are Marty’s loving but frustrated sister, his mom, the town Sheriff, the reverend and especially Uncle Red. One of those individuals is indeed a bona fide werewolf. King’s tale melds terror with friendship in equal doses, with tinges of family nostalgia tucked behind the scares. Composer Jay Chattaway anchors his score around a highly melodic major-key theme for the Silver Bullet that plays both in scenes with Marty on the move and in the end, serves as a freewheeling vocal. Another more emotional layer of the score comes with a minor-key theme, more a series of chords, that carries a feeling of melancholy and brings a sweet-sad timbre in key scenes, particularly when Marty’s sister seeks evidence supporting his claims and, in a highlight, when Uncle Red has another Silver Bullet prepared, the kind that shoots from a gun. In balance are the intense cues surrounding the mysterious killings, including some riveting chase cues, culminating in a fierce showdown between Marty with Uncle Red vs. the werewolf. The score covers considerable territory, written for both electronics and full orchestra, but remains cohesive via the primary musical motifs that recur throughout. Intrada presents Chattaway’s score courtesy Paramount Pictures, expanded from the previous issue and remastered from the original three-channel stereo mixes made by Alec Head in April & May 1985 at The Carriage House. John Takis offers informative notes, Kay Marshall designs strong packaging with flipper-style booklet cover. Orchestrations by Barb Luby. Jay Chattaway composes, conducts. Intrada Special Collection CD available while quantities and interest remain!


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01. Main Title (1:58)
02. Arnie (1:27)
03. Marty’s Entrance (0:40)
04. Driving Home (0:39)
05. Marty’s Apology (1:55)
06. Stella And The Beast (2:24)
07. Marty Escorts Tammy (0:50)
08. Marty And Uncle Red (0:55)
09. Coming After Milt (3:38)
10. Town Paranoia (0:54)
11. Brady Gets It (1:11)
12. Red And Marty’s Drive (0:54)
13. The Hunt (1:42)
14. The Bog (3:00)
15. Bad Dream (1:17)

16. Silver Bullet Reveal (0:29)
17. Joyride (1:19)
18. Sneakout (1:31)
19. On The Bridge/Night Escape (2:32)
20. Looking For Mr. One Eye (3:00)
21. Garage Search (1:03)
22. The Reveal (1:34)
23. Teamwork (1:28)
24. The Ball Game and The Chase (4:02)
25. Reverend Approaches Bridge (2:20)
26. Garage Presence (2:19)
27. Making The Silver Bullet (1:13)
28. Beast Outside (2:02)
29. Fight To The Finish (1:50)
30. Transformation/Finale/Joyride Reprise (5:09)