1. ホーム


価格(税込): ¥2,948

レーベル: GAD(PL)
品番: GAD-CD-175
発売日: 2021/08/27
フォーマット: 1CD


伝説的で傑出したコメディーであり、半世紀以上にわたって何世代にもわたって同じ喜びで見守られてきました。それについて、そして人気のあるマスコミに書かれ、科学的に分析されました。Sylwester Ch?ci?skiによる「Samis Woi」は、ポーランド文化の歴史、さらには日常の言語にも登場した映画です。結局のところ、裁判所は裁判所であり、正義は私たちの側になければならないことが知られています。現在、この映画のために特別に準備されたヴォイチェフ・キラールの完全な音楽がアルバムに初めて登場します。



A legendary and outstanding comedy, watched for more than fifty years by new generations with the same joy and laughter, commented on by popular press and discussed by scholars. “Sami swoi” by Sylwester Ch?ci?ski has a lasting place in the history of Polish culture and even in everyday language. After all, everybody knows that ‘court is a court but justice must be on our side’. Now, the original score written by Wojciech Kilar has been released for the first time ? and in its full version.

In the 1960s, Kilar often leaned towards simplicity and shunned from overblown, majestic orchestral passages, so favored by the golden age of Hollywood. He looked for simplicity, both in terms of arrangement and melody, as perfectly exemplified by the main theme from “Sami swoi”. For Ch?ci?ski, this was more than sufficient to illustrate the hilarious adventures of his characters. This release includes a complete set of tracks produced for the film (including themes either unused or considerably truncated in the final picture): a gamut of main theme incarnations, motives based on the string section and the percussion illustration to the scene of stallion breaking.

Album is supplemented by real discovery ? complete Kilar’s soundtrack from the little-known film by Stanis?aw Lenartowicz “Czerwone i z?ote”. The lyrical piano waltz, performed with subtlety, guides the viewers throughout the story, and bursts each time in a fresh versions, based on sounds of the vibraphone or the harp. Recordings from both films have been released on the record for the first time, remastered from the original tapes kept at the archives of the CeTA Audiovisual Technology Center in Wroc?aw. The booklet contains new liner notes, stills and memorabilia.


Sami swoi
1. Czo?owka
2. Peron
3. Krowa / Trzy palce
4. Nowy dom
5. K?otnia
6. Jad?ka i Witia I
7. Miny
8. Jad?ka i Witia II
9. Ko? z UNRRA
10. Jad?ka i Witia III
11. Zgoda
12. Pozytywka
13. Fina?

Bonus tracks:
14. 2A/II
15. 2B/I
16. 4/III ? v 1
17. 17/I

Czerwone i z?ote
18. Siano / PKS
19. Czo?owka
20. Jab?ko
21. Sen w ko?ciele
22. Miasteczko / Spotkanie
23. Wieczor
24. Pod jednym parasolem
25. Obserwacja
26. Konie
27. Komu w drog?…
28. Po?cig
29. Fina?

Bonus track:
30. 11/III

Wielka Orkiestra Symfoniczna Polskiego Radia w Katowicach, dyr. Konrad Bryzek