1. ホーム
  2. 黄金の眼


価格(税込): ¥4,598

品番: EMCD002
発売日: 2024/11/18
フォーマット: 1CD

イタリアの人気コミックをマリオ・バーヴァ監督が映画化した、怪盗ディアボリックが活躍するアクション活劇。演奏はSolisti & Orchestre del Cinema Italiano。
ここでもSolisti は、完璧に近いクオリティと作曲家の天才に対する真の敬意をもって、音楽映像を再現することに成功しています。当時のフィーリングや独特の感情を実現するのは不可能だと考える人は、もう一度考えてみるべきでしょう。

In 1967 Morricone was at the peak of his career, and his score for Diabolik can be ranked among his most spectacular achievements. It is quite amazing that no official album was ever released. Only a couple of bootlegs saw the light, based on the soundtrack of the movie, providing a fairly faithful account of the movie's atmosphere and of the music content. Their approach was paradoxical however: carefully taking out the parts of the music which were covered over by dialogue, but also adding dialogue tracks without music.

Here again, the Solisti manage to reproduce the musical footage with a level of quality and genuine respect for the composer's genius that is close to perfection. Those who believe it impossible to achieve the feeling and unique emotion of the period, should think again.

In the present edition, additional music has been included, most notably a new version of the song. It includes a 24 page booklet with critical notes & listener's guide.
