1. ホーム
  2. 七人のあばれ者 (完全盤) (2枚組)

七人のあばれ者 (完全盤) (2枚組)

価格(税込): ¥3,355

品番: DGST028
発売日: 2017/05/29
フォーマット: 2CD


一世紀、スパルタがローマの支配下にあった頃、ダリアス(リチャード・ハリソン)はローマ政府に捕われていたが、特別に釈放されスパルタへ帰った。が、父は仲間のヤーボとネラングに殺されていた。復讐を誓ったダリアスは父親の形見の剣を取ると家を出た。乳母の息子リビアスが彼に従った。それを知ったヤーボは彼に闇討ちをかけたが、結果は逆だった。ダリアスとネラングの娘アグライア(ロレダーナ・ヌシアク)は恋仲だった。そこでヤーボはダリアスの残した剣でネラングを刺殺し、犯人はダリアスとアグライアに信じこませた。一方、ダリアスは以前ローマの牢獄から救った五人の仲間に助力を乞うためリビアスと共にたずね歩いた。そして、飲ん兵衛のブラッカス、怪力のマゴス、弓の達人ジーナ、坊主頭のフィネラガス、手くせの悪いバーガスを探し出し仲間に加えた。数日たった。ヤーボの腹心マクロビアスがダリアスたちの隠れ家をつきとめ、完全包囲の手筈をととのえた。が、彼は背中に短剣を突き刺されたままアグライアの部屋へ倒れこみ、彼女の父親を殺したのはヤーボであることをつげ息たえていった。ヤーボの軍隊は、ダリアスら七人をみな殺しにしようと攻撃を開始したが、七人の働きにより逆に撃退された。勝ち誇ったダリアスらは、余勢をかってヤーボの城塞を襲い、奇計をもって敵軍を打ち破った。そしてダリアスは塔の頂上でヤーボと壮烈な一騎打ちを演じ、ついにこれを倒した。かくて六人の剣士は、ダリアスとアグライアに別れをつげると、各自の古巣へと帰って行った。... 監督ペドロ・ラザガ、出演:リチャード・ハリソン、 リヴィオ・ロレンゾン。1963年伊・スペイン。


Giombini Marcello (July 8, 1928, Rome - 12 December 2003, Assisi) was a very active composer during the sixties and seventies. His music was well-known for the western trilogy Sabata, but also for composing scores for cult horror films like ''Antropophagus''. Maestro Giombini was very active in writing beat style religious songs, but was also a prolific author of electronic music. Not a single note was ever released from ''Gladiators 7'' and now, after 54 years, we are releasing a double CD from the mono master tapes of the recording session which have survived until today in very good condition. The total length of the CDs is 91:46 minutes (with 4:22 minute suite with voices and sounds from the recording sessions).
Marcello Giombini composed a heroic score to a march which is introduced in the opening credits (Tr.1 / CD1) and frequently returns throughout the OST. It is alternated with a tender love theme (Tr.5 / CD1). There’s also plenty of music for the duel and battle scenes and an ethnic dance number as well. This CD a tribute to the musical art of Maestro Giombini, a well-rounded musician. For fans of Peplum this will undoubtedly be a collectible.

Directed in 1962 by Pedro Lazaga. Starring Richard Harrison, Livio Lorenzon, Antonio Molino Rojo, Loredana Nusciak, Gerard Tichy, Edoardo Toniolo, Nazzareno Zamperla, Antonio Rubio, Emily Wolkowigz, Jose Marco, Franca Badeschi, Enrique Avila, Barta Barry.

Darius is the son of one of Sparta’s most influential citizens who is sentenced to fight for his life as a gladiator in Rome’s Colosseum under charges that he helped five gladiators escape. Years later he manages to escape and return to Sparta where he discovers that his father was murdered -and it was passed off as suicide- and the woman he loves is about to marry the evil king who has seized the throne. He gathers together six other gladiators and returns to Sparta to save his girlfriend and put the rightful king on the throne. ---レーベルより



01. SPEED MACHINE (Titoli) 2:45
02. CRAZY TOWN 4:14
03. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (Inseguimento) 2:12
04. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (Attesa) 1:25
05. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (Atmosfera sexy) 1:27
06. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (Contro i criminali) 1:34
07. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (Giungla urbana) 1:33
08. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (Agguato) 0:59
09. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (Tema d'amore) 2:53
10. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (In giro per la citta) 1:21
11. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (Un uomo contro tutti) 1:32
12. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (Cercando la verita) 2:29
13. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (Tema d'amore) 1:31
14. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (Regolamento di conti) 1:37
15. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (Un uomo giusto) 1:33
16. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (Caccia spietata) 2:38
17. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (Pedinamento) 3:48
18. CRAZY TOWN (Versione breve) 1:42
19. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (La resa dei conti) 1:20
20. SPEED MACHINE (Finale) 4:13