1. ホーム
  2. フェラーリの鷹


価格(税込): ¥2,959

品番: DGST024
発売日: 2017/05/29
フォーマット: 1CD

覆面パトカーを運転するパルマ(M・メルリ)は上役のタリアフェリ(G・スブラジア)を追い抜きたい気持ちから無理な運転をし、パトカー乗務規則を破ることがしばしばあった。一方ローマでは、ニースのジャン(O・オルランド)という界名をもつ元レーサーくずれの銀行強盗が現われ、仲間と共に白昼堂々と銀行を襲っていた。早速、パルマは追跡に乗り出すが、警察は錯乱をさけて、パトカーに追跡中止命令を下す。それを無視してジャンのシエトロンを追ったパルマは同乗したニザッルド(A・インファンティ)を事故で死なせてしまい、警察に辞表を提出する。しかしタリアフェリはそれを無視しパルマを相手側に潜入させることにする。そこでフェラーリを入手したパルマはドライブテクニックを完全にマスターし敵方に乗りこむ。ある強盗団の名を語りジャンに近ずいたパルマはそのドライブテクニックと頭脳の回転の速さでジャンの気に入るところとなり早くも意気投合する。しかしジャンの手下であるピストーネ(G・オトラート)はパルマに疑惑をいだき絶えず目をはなさなかった。そしてこの疑いはパルマの恋人フランチェスカ(L・カラチ)の出現で明らかになってしまう。ジャンにバレたことで気落ちしたパルマをタリアフェリは勇気ずけた。そしてコルソ街の商業銀行を襲ったジャンを早速フェラーリで追跡する。手下の二人を始末したパルマは自動車工場にジャンを追い込むが、そこでは逮捕せず、車での決闘を申し込む。谷間に向かって飛び立つ二台の車。だがシェトロンは着地に失敗し、大爆音と共に炎につつまれ、ジャンもろとも炎上するのだった。監督:ステルヴィオ・マッシ、出演:マウリツィオ・メルリ、 オラツィオ・オルランド。1976年伊。


Originally C.A.M. had released a single with the two tracks ''Speed Machine'' and ''Crazy Town'' (AMP 198). But thanks to the stereo master tapes from the recording session, we had the opportunity to assemble a CD with the entire fabulous OST (43:36 minutes).

Stelvio Cipriani managed to describe the character of Agent Palma perfectly through music. Palma is a true ''stuntman'' in his fight against crime and Cipriani composed a cheerful score which also gives a sense of urban reality with its tangled jungle full of dangers. The rhythms and the typical sound of the moog synthesizer of the late seventies create the right atmosphere, which is a pleasure for the listener who dives back in time and can imagine the daring exploits of the protagonist. Cipriani also manages to lighten up the serious battle between the good cop and the criminal with a sweet love theme introduced and then developed throughout the film. The city life with its chaotic traffic and hectic pace are emphasized by a long piece of large wind orchestra jazz and blues called ''Crazy Town'' (which was on the B-side of the single) and is also found in its short version. This OST is a great addition to the archive devoted to the film music by legendary Stelvio Cipriani.


Directed in 1977 by Stelvio Massi. Starring Maurizio Merli, Orazio Orlando, Lilli Carati, Giancarlo Sbragia, Angelo Infanti, Glauco Onorato


Agent Marco Palma, from the ''quick squad'' in Rome, is called ''crazy'' by his colleagues, not so much for his personality as for his passion for cars and speed. During police operations he jumps into reckless car chases through the streets of Rome, sometimes with disastrous consequences both for himself and for the unlucky people sitting beside him. When the crimes of French bank robber the Nizzardo (famous for the skillful way he drives his Citroen), start making the police appear incompetent, Marshal Tagliaferri gives Marco a powerful Ferrari to catch the criminal by joining his gang. Although an unexpected event reveals Marco’s true identity, things are finished for the Nizzardo anyway. ---レーベルより



01. SPEED MACHINE (Titoli) 2:45
02. CRAZY TOWN 4:14
03. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (Inseguimento) 2:12
04. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (Attesa) 1:25
05. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (Atmosfera sexy) 1:27
06. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (Contro i criminali) 1:34
07. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (Giungla urbana) 1:33
08. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (Agguato) 0:59
09. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (Tema d'amore) 2:53
10. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (In giro per la citta) 1:21
11. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (Un uomo contro tutti) 1:32
12. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (Cercando la verita) 2:29
13. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (Tema d'amore) 1:31
14. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (Regolamento di conti) 1:37
15. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (Un uomo giusto) 1:33
16. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (Caccia spietata) 2:38
17. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (Pedinamento) 3:48
18. CRAZY TOWN (Versione breve) 1:42
19. POLIZIOTTO SPRINT (La resa dei conti) 1:20
20. SPEED MACHINE (Finale) 4:13