1. ホーム
  2. シンデレラ・ボーイ


価格(税込): ¥3,223

品番: DDRCDR797
発売日: 2024/03/22
フォーマット: 1CD


1985年に公開された『シンデレラ・ボーイ』は、香港のインディペンデント映画会社であるシーズナル・フィルムズが製作したもので、伝説的なショウ・ブラザーズに雇われた元助監督のウン・シーユエンが設立した。『シンデレラ・ボーイ』は、香港映画の影響をアメリカに持ち込んだ最初の作品のひとつであり、今日まで続くアクション映画のトレンドの始まりとなった。この映画の監督は、香港映画監督、映画プロデューサー、アクション振付師、元俳優のコリー・ユエン。ユエンは京劇学校のメンバーであり、七小福の一人でもある。アクション監督として、ユエンは1998年の『リーサル・ウエポン4』からアメリカ映画界で名声を博し、『X-メン』、『ロミオ・マスト・ダイ』、『キス・オブ・ザ・ドラゴン』、『ザ・ワン』、『ブラック・ダイヤモンド』、『ローグ アサシン』、『エクスペンダブルズ』などジェット・リーのアメリカ映画6本を監督した。ユエンはその後、『トランスポーター』や『クローサー』などのアクション映画を共同監督した。


ギルレスは、NBC、CBS、カートゥーンネットワーク、ESPN、アメリカン航空など幅広いクライアントのために、テーマ音楽、アンダースコア、放送広告音楽を作曲してきた。彼の音楽は、NBCのオリンピック放送やNBCのPGAトーナメントで何度も使用されている。ギルレスは、ステットソン大学で作曲とピアノ演奏の音楽学士号を取得し、南カリフォルニア大学作曲科修士課程に在籍。ジョージア医科大学でDMDの学位を取得。現在第4版となる『THE GUIDE TO MIDI ORCHESTRATION 4E』の著者でもある。

SILVA SCREEN RECORDSから初期にリリースされ、長い間廃盤となっていたCDが再発売。

Dragon’s Domain Records presents the original soundtrack to NO RETREAT, NO SURRENDER, featuring music composed by Paul Gilreath for the 1985 action film directed by Corey Yuen, written by Keith Strandberg and starring Kurt McKinney, J.W. Fails, Kathie Sileno, Timothy D. Baker, Tai-jeong Kim and Jean Claude Van Damme as Ivan the Russian.

Released in 1985, NO RETREAT, NO SURRENDER was a production of Seasonal Films, an independent film company from Hong Kong, originally founded by Ng See-yuen, a former assistant director employed by the legendary Shaw Brothers. NO RETREAT, NO SURRENDER would be one of the first films to bring the influence of Hong Kong cinema here to the United States and would begin a trend of action cinema that continues to this day. The film is directed by Corey Yuen, a Hong Kong film director, film producer, action choreographer and former actor. Yuen was a member of the Peking Opera Schools and one of the Seven Little Fortunes. As an action director, Yuen gained fame in American cinema beginning in 1998 with LETHAL WEAPON 4, followed by X-MEN and six of Jet Li’s American films, including ROMEO MUST DIE, KISS OF THE DRAGON, THE ONE, CRADLE 2 THE GRAVE, WAR and THE EXPENDABLES. Yuen would go on to co-direct action films such as THE TRANSPORTER and SO CLOSE.

There are actually two different versions of NO RETREAT, NO SURRENDER. One version for Europe and one version for the United States. The European cut was scored by composer Frank Harris and released in 1985. The U.S. version was released in 1986 and featured music composed by Paul Gilreath. This album features his score for the film along with trailer music composed for Roland Emmerich’s first film MAKING CONTACT, released in 1985.

Paul Gilreath is an award-winning composer who creates original music in a variety of styles for video games, film, television, trailers, and broadcast advertising.
Gilreath has written theme, underscore and broadcast advertising music for a wide range of clients that include NBC, CBS, Cartoon Network, ESPN, American Airlines and many others. His music has been used multiple times for the Olympic Games broadcasts on NBC and several PGA tournaments on NBC. Gilreath received a Bachelor of Music in Composition and Piano Performance from Stetson University and attended University of Southern California's Master's of Arts program in Music Composition. He received his DMD degree from The Medical College of Georgia. He is also the author of THE GUIDE TO MIDI ORCHESTRATION 4E, now in its fourth edition.

An early compact disc release by Silva Screen Records and long out of print, Dragon’s Domain Records brings NO RETREAT, NO SURRENDER back to the marketplace, featuring music composed by Paul Gilreath, remastered by James Nelson at Digital Outland.

NO RETREAT, NO SURRENDER is a disc-on-demand release. NO RETREAT, NO SURRENDER is expected to start shipping the week of March 18th, 2024.



01. “Making Contact” Trailer Music (1:39)
02. It’s Showtime (1:01)
03. Stand On Your Own* (3:14)
04. Main Theme (0:56)
05. Reflections (1:02)
06. To Seattle (1:27)
07. Country Music Hell (2:57)
08. Bruce Lee Appears (1:26)
09. I-5 (1:12)
10. Training Montage (3:25)
11. The Russian Appears (0:47)
12. The Pike Place Market (1:12)
13. Young Lovers (1:05)
14. The Aroma of Tacoma (3:03)
15. The Rescue (1:26)
16. A Night Out In Fife (1:03)
17. Time To Kick Ass! (0:48)
18. The Race To Victory (2:35)
19. The Lovers Kiss (0:56)
20. No Retreat, No Surrender* (2:49)
Total Time: 34:55
* - Vocal by Joe Torono