1. ホーム
  2. アマゾンズ黄金伝説


価格(税込): ¥4,488

品番: DDR827
発売日: 2025/01/30
フォーマット: 1CD

ギル・メレ(『四次元への招待』、『アンドロメダ・・・』、『 センチネル』)が作曲したスコア『アマゾンズ黄金伝説』のOSTが世界初リリース!

ボー・スヴェンソン、ドナルド・プレザンス、リチャード・ロマナス、ボブ・マイナー主演、スタンリー・ラルフ・ロスの気まぐれなペンネーム 「スー・ドネム 」による脚本、多作な“B”映画の巨匠マーク・レスター監督のもと1979年に公開された『アマゾンズ黄金伝説』は、ワイルドで太陽の光が降り注ぐエスケープで、観る者を非日常の旅へと誘う。物語は、秘宝を求めて南米の危険なジャングルを勇敢に探検する2人の勇敢な探検家を中心に展開する。


作曲家ギル・メレは、モダンジャズのニュアンスを奏でたり、自宅でユニークな顕微鏡のコレクションを楽しんでいる時以外は、50年近くにわたり、電子音楽とオーケストラ音楽をミックスした革新的な音楽活動を行ってきた。メレは傑出したバリトン・サックス奏者、作曲家としてジャズ界にその名を轟かせ、画家としても注目されていた。映画やテレビの世界では、彼の音楽はレコードやCDに保存されてはいないものの、非常に注目されてきた。70年代前半の彼のテレビ映画音楽には、テレビ向けの話題作が3本含まれている。『いとしのチャーリー』、『THAT CERTAIN SUMMER』、『真説フランケンシュタイン/北極に消えた怪奇人間!』だ。彼の最も有名な映画音楽は『アンドロメダ…』だが、1970年代から80年代の映画における電子音楽の革新者として、メレは『ナイト・ギャラリー』(テーマとエピソード)、『サイボーグ大作戦』(オリジナルTV映画)、『白い恐怖』、『人造人間クエスター』、『事件記者コルチャック』、『スターシップ・インベーション』など、多くのSF、ファンタジー、ホラーのTV映画や長編映画の音楽に貢献している。メレの努力は、エレクトロニック映画音楽における他のほとんどの人々の実験に先駆け、最初の真のエレクトロニック映画音楽を生み出した。 --- レーベルより。(機械翻訳・一部修正)

Dragon’s Domain Records presents GOLD OF THE AMAZON WOMEN, featuring the world premiere release of the score composed by Gil Melle (NIGHT GALLERY, THE ANDROMEDA STRAIN, THE DELIBERATE STRANGER) .

Released in 1979, starring Bo Svenson, Donald Pleasance, Richard Romanus and Bob Minor, written by Stanley Ralph Ross under the whimsical pseudonym Sue Donem and helmed by the prolific “B” movie maestro Mark Lester, GOLD OF THE AMAZON WOMEN delivers a wild and sun-drenched escapade that transports viewers on an extraordinary odyssey. The narrative revolves around two intrepid explorers who brave the treacherous jungles of South America in pursuit of hidden treasure, only to stumble upon an astonishing twist ? a long-lost tribe of captivating Amazon women, led by the enchanting Anita Ekberg, who reigns as their mesmerizing queen.

GOLD OF THE AMAZON WOMEN, occupies a distinctive yet often overlooked niche within the oeuvre of composer Gil Melle. The film granted Melle a rare and exhilarating chance to tap into his childhood nostalgia for the swashbuckling adventure films and serials that mesmerized him as a youth in 1940s New York City. While many composers might have turned their noses up at a project of this nature, Melle fully embraced the creative challenge, crafting a vibrant and dynamic score that encapsulated his long-held aspiration to create music for the adventure genre.

For nearly five decades, composer Gil Melle innovated in mixing electronic and orchestral music when he wasn’t playing the nuances of modern jazz or enjoying his collection of unique microscopes at home. Melle had made a mark in the world of jazz as an outstanding baritone saxophonist and composer who was also noted as a painter. In film and television, his music has been extraordinarily notable, if not well preserved, on records and CDs. His TV-movie music in the early ’70s included a trio of high-profile films for television: MY SWEET CHARLIE, THAT CERTAIN SUMMER, and FRANKENSTEIN: THE TRUE STORY. His most well-known film score was THE ANDROMEDA STRAIN, but as an innovator in the use of electronic music in movies of the 1970s and ’80s, Melle contributed to a many science fiction, fantasy, and horror television and feature film scores, including NIGHT GALLERY (theme and episodes), THE SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN (original TV-movie), A COLD NIGHT’S DEATH, THE QUESTOR TAPES, KOLCHAK: THE NIGHT STALKER, STARSHIP INVASIONS, WORLD WAR III, and many others. Melle’s efforts preceded almost everyone else’s experiments in electronic film music and resulted in the first true electronic film score.

Dragon’s Domain Records presents GOLD OF THE AMAZON WOMEN, featuring the world premiere release of music composed by Gil Melle for this project. The music has been mastered by James Nelson at Digital Outland and the liner notes have been written by noted author David Hirsch.

GOLD OF THE AMAZON WOMEN is a limited edition release of 500 units.


1. Opening Credits (2:01)
2. Amazons In New York (3:09)
3. The Poison and Chasing the Killer (1:33)
4. Heading to South America / Hotel Muzak (2:53)
5. Snake Attack and Hotel Escape (1:56)
6. Journey Into The Jungle and The Village (3:26)
7. Village Fight / Back on the Road (2:01)
8. Helicopter Attack (4:02)
9. Snake Bite and Noboros Death (4:11)
10. Captured by the Amazons (2:33)
11. Fight In The Water (2:16)
12. The Burning Village (4:13)
13. Jungle Run (2:06)
14. Chasing The Bad Guy (1:19)
15. Blowdart Attack (1:18)
16. Closing In (2:10)
17. The Lost City of Gold (2:59)
18. The Amazons Arrive (1:51)
19. March of the Amazons (1:37)
20. Farewells (1:06)
21. Closing Credits (1:47)
22. String Quartet No. 1 in E Major II. Menuet (3:34)
(Joseph Haydn)
23. Bumpers (0:16)
Total Time: 54:00