1962年に公開された『HAND OF DEATH』は、科学者アレックス・マーチ(ジョン・エイガー)が、敵の軍隊を安全に麻痺させ、反撃命令を受けやすくする神経剤の開発を決意する物語である。試験場で地元の男が知らず知らずのうちに被爆し、何の影響もなく回復したとき、マーチは無謀にも処方を完成させようと突き進む。偶然にもその強力な液体を手にしてしまったマーチは、触れるだけで人を殺せる巨大な怪物へと変異し始める...。
『HAND OF DEATH』の音楽を担当したのは、“ソニー”の名で知られるジョセフ・フランシス・バークだ。ソニーはペンシルベニア州スクラントンで生まれ、デトロイト大学で1年間フットボールをプレーした後、デューク大学に転校し、ビッグバンドのジャズ・オーケストラを創設、率いた。1950年代には、ディズニーの長編映画や短編映画のために曲を書くようになり、なかでもペギー・リーの声をフィーチャーした『わんわん物語』は有名。
Dragon’s Domain Records proudly presents the second volume in a new ongoing series of music from classic horror films from the Golden Age, featuring a trilogy of world premiere releases of music from THE SHUTTERED ROOM, THE DEATHHEAD VIRGIN and HAND OF DEATH.
Released in 1967, THE SHUTTERED ROOM tells the story of Susannah Whately Kelton, a woman raised in foster care (Carol Lynley) who discovers that her birth parents have died and left her their estate, located on Dunwich Island off the Massachusetts coast. When she and her husband (Gig Young) arrive there, they find the surrounding community to be leery of outsiders and steeped in local superstitions. Befriending her aunt Agatha (Flora Robson), the young wife is cautioned against rebuilding the old mill, where a shuttered attic room contains a horror from her childhood.
The music for THE SHUTTERED ROOM was composed by Basil Kirchin. Kirchin was born in Blackpool, England in August, 1927. He began his professional career at the age of 13 playing drums in his father Ivor’s big band orchestra during the second World War. Kirchin continued working within the genre until the late 1950s, when the public’s musical tastes shifted to rock & roll.
Released in 1962, HAND OF DEATH tells the story of scientist Alex March (John Agar), who is determined to develop a nerve agent that will safely paralyze enemy troops and render them susceptible to counter commands. When a local man is unwittingly exposed at a test site and recovers without ill effects, March recklessly plows ahead to perfect the formula. Accidentally getting the powerful liquid on his hands, he begins to mutate into a hulking monster whose mere touch can kill...
The score for HAND OF DEATH was provided by Joseph Francis Burke, known professionally as “Sonny.” Sonny was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania and after a year playing football at the University of Detroit, he transferred to Duke University where he created and led a big band jazz orchestra. By the 1950s, he began to write songs for several Disney features and short-subjects, most notably LADY AND THE TRAMP, which featured the voice of Peggy Lee.
Released in 1973, The plot of THE DEATHHEAD VIRGIN centers on the search for lost treasure on a sunken 1850s Spanish man o’ war hidden within a reef. Predictably, there’s a curse involved that threatens anyone who dares to search for the lost booty. However, this doesn’t prevent a pair of American salvagers (Gaynor and Ward) from making an attempt. Entering the wreck, Ward forces his way into a locked cabin, where he discovers a female skeleton with flowing black hair chained to the deck. The removal of jewels from the corpse sets in motion the revival of a vengeful virgin princess, who had been captured and brutally raped by the conquistadors a century before...
This second volume in Dragon’s Domain Records series of classic horror films has been mastered by James Nelson at Digital Outland, featuring exclusive liner notes by Starlog Magazine’s David Hirsch with Sam Scali on the music featured on the album. THE GOLDEN AGE OF HORROR VOL. 2 is a limited edition release.
SPECIAL NOTE: These recordings were originally taken from analog masters and music & effects tracks and therefore certain limitations from the source tapes may be evident. We have tried to preserve as closely as possible, the quality of the original recordings.
HAND OF DEATH (1962) Music by Sonny Burke 10. Intro / Main Title (3:09) 11. L.A. / Dangerous Experiment (2:38) 12. Evil Unleashed / Setting Fire To The Lab(3:41) 13. Gas Station & Transformation (1:43) 14. Strange Evidence / Killer Escapes (4:58) 15. The Boy On The Beach / Finale (5:27) 16. Hand Of Death (1962)Theatrical Trailer (1:46)
黄金時代の名作ホラー映画の音楽を紹介する新シリーズの第2弾として、『太陽の爪あと』、『HAND OF DEATH』、『THE DEATHHEAD VIRGIN』の3作品のオリジナル・サウンドトラックが世界初リリース!
『太陽の爪あと』(THE SHUTTERED ROOM)の音楽を担当したのはベイジル・カーチン。カーチンは1927年8月、イギリスのブラックプール生まれ。第二次世界大戦中、父アイヴォアのビッグバンド・オーケストラでドラムを叩き、13歳でプロとしてのキャリアをスタートさせた。1950年代後半、大衆の音楽的嗜好がロックンロールに移行するまで、カーチンはこのジャンルで活動を続けた。
1962年に公開された『HAND OF DEATH』は、科学者アレックス・マーチ(ジョン・エイガー)が、敵の軍隊を安全に麻痺させ、反撃命令を受けやすくする神経剤の開発を決意する物語である。試験場で地元の男が知らず知らずのうちに被爆し、何の影響もなく回復したとき、マーチは無謀にも処方を完成させようと突き進む。偶然にもその強力な液体を手にしてしまったマーチは、触れるだけで人を殺せる巨大な怪物へと変異し始める...。
『HAND OF DEATH』の音楽を担当したのは、“ソニー”の名で知られるジョセフ・フランシス・バークだ。ソニーはペンシルベニア州スクラントンで生まれ、デトロイト大学で1年間フットボールをプレーした後、デューク大学に転校し、ビッグバンドのジャズ・オーケストラを創設、率いた。1950年代には、ディズニーの長編映画や短編映画のために曲を書くようになり、なかでもペギー・リーの声をフィーチャーした『わんわん物語』は有名。
1973年に公開された『THE DEATHEAD VIRGIN』のプロットは、岩礁に隠された1850年代のスペイン軍の沈没船で失われた財宝を探すというもの。予想通り、失われた戦利品を探そうとする者を脅す呪いがかけられている。しかし、2人組のアメリカ人サルベージャー(ゲイナーとウォード)が試みるのを妨げることはない。難破船に乗り込んだウォードは、鍵のかかった船室に無理やり入り込み、甲板に鎖でつながれた黒髪の女性の骸骨を発見する。その死体から宝石を取り出したことで、100年前に征服者たちに捕らえられ、残酷にレイプされた復讐に燃える処女王女の復活が始まった...。
このTHE GOLDEN AGE OF HORROR VOL. 2は、デジタル・アウトランドのジェームス・ネルソンによってマスタリングされ、スターログ・マガジンのデイヴィッド・ハーシュとサム・スカリによる独占ライナーノーツが収録されている。
Dragon’s Domain Records proudly presents the second volume in a new ongoing series of music from classic horror films from the Golden Age, featuring a trilogy of world premiere releases of music from THE SHUTTERED ROOM, THE DEATHHEAD VIRGIN and HAND OF DEATH.
Released in 1967, THE SHUTTERED ROOM tells the story of Susannah Whately Kelton, a woman raised in foster care (Carol Lynley) who discovers that her birth parents have died and left her their estate, located on Dunwich Island off the Massachusetts coast. When she and her husband (Gig Young) arrive there, they find the surrounding community to be leery of outsiders and steeped in local superstitions. Befriending her aunt Agatha (Flora Robson), the young wife is cautioned against rebuilding the old mill, where a shuttered attic room contains a horror from her childhood.
The music for THE SHUTTERED ROOM was composed by Basil Kirchin. Kirchin was born in Blackpool, England in August, 1927. He began his professional career at the age of 13 playing drums in his father Ivor’s big band orchestra during the second World War. Kirchin continued working within the genre until the late 1950s, when the public’s musical tastes shifted to rock & roll.
Released in 1962, HAND OF DEATH tells the story of scientist Alex March (John Agar), who is determined to develop a nerve agent that will safely paralyze enemy troops and render them susceptible to counter commands. When a local man is unwittingly exposed at a test site and recovers without ill effects, March recklessly plows ahead to perfect the formula. Accidentally getting the powerful liquid on his hands, he begins to mutate into a hulking monster whose mere touch can kill...
The score for HAND OF DEATH was provided by Joseph Francis Burke, known professionally as “Sonny.” Sonny was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania and after a year playing football at the University of Detroit, he transferred to Duke University where he created and led a big band jazz orchestra. By the 1950s, he began to write songs for several Disney features and short-subjects, most notably LADY AND THE TRAMP, which featured the voice of Peggy Lee.
Released in 1973, The plot of THE DEATHHEAD VIRGIN centers on the search for lost treasure on a sunken 1850s Spanish man o’ war hidden within a reef. Predictably, there’s a curse involved that threatens anyone who dares to search for the lost booty. However, this doesn’t prevent a pair of American salvagers (Gaynor and Ward) from making an attempt. Entering the wreck, Ward forces his way into a locked cabin, where he discovers a female skeleton with flowing black hair chained to the deck. The removal of jewels from the corpse sets in motion the revival of a vengeful virgin princess, who had been captured and brutally raped by the conquistadors a century before...
This second volume in Dragon’s Domain Records series of classic horror films has been mastered by James Nelson at Digital Outland, featuring exclusive liner notes by Starlog Magazine’s David Hirsch with Sam Scali on the music featured on the album. THE GOLDEN AGE OF HORROR VOL. 2 is a limited edition release.
SPECIAL NOTE: These recordings were originally taken from analog masters and music & effects tracks and therefore certain limitations from the source tapes may be evident. We have tried to preserve as closely as possible, the quality of the original recordings.
Music by Basil Kirchin
01. Prologue / A?Child’s Nightmare (2:07)
02. Main Title (2:03)
03. Ferry Crossing / The Locals (2:30)
04. Arrival At The Lighthouse / Family Reunion (2:13)
05. The Old Record / Murder Music (1:40)
06. Aunt Agatha Finds The Body / Summer Sun / Susannah And The Mill (3:30)
07. Susannah Opens The Red Door / Ocean Walk / Sex Pests (4:35)
08. Pursued / The Fight / Ethan Gets It / Finale (4:53)
09. The Shuttered Room (1967) Theatrical Trailer (2:33)
Music by Sonny Burke
10. Intro / Main Title (3:09)
11. L.A. / Dangerous Experiment (2:38)
12. Evil Unleashed / Setting Fire To The Lab (3:41)
13. Gas Station & Transformation (1:43)
14. Strange Evidence / Killer Escapes (4:58)
15. The Boy On The Beach / Finale (5:27)
16. Hand Of Death (1962) Theatrical Trailer (1:46)
Music by Richard LaSalle
17. Exploring The Sunken Wreck / Evil Freed (5:20)
18. Flight / Scalping The Girl (2:37)
19. Water Play / Strange Happenings (3:54)
20. Murderous Pursuit / Frank Is Dead (3:56)
21. Virgin Princess Attacks / Boat Hijacked / A Woman Under Suspicion ( 4:28)
22. Swim To The Boat / Vengeance Of The Princess / Finale (2:37)
Total Time 73:21