THE GOLDEN AGE OF SCIENCE FICTION VOL. 4: 原子怪獣と裸女/絶叫する地球 ロボット大襲撃
Dragon’s Domain Records proudly presents the fourth volume in our ongoing series of music from classic science-fiction films.
It’s only the end of the world . . . again as we salute the late, great Roger Corman’s third outing as director, THE DAY THE WORLD ENDED (1955 THE DAY THE WORLD ENDED (1955), scored by Ronald Stein. The film begins just after a nuclear attack, described as “Total Destruction Day,” and much of humanity is apparently wiped out. A rag-tag collection of survivors gather at the home of a doomsday prepper and his daughter. They struggle with the threat of radiation, limited food and water, and a three-eyed mutant creature lurking outside!
The second film in this collection features music from the criminally under represented composer Elisabeth Lutyens, who became Britain’s first female feature film composer when she began accepting commissions to write scores for both Hammer and Amicus studios.
THE EARTH DIES SCREAMING (1964) has another group of survivors huddling down in a small English village inn, only be confronted by two space-suited figures that have the touch of death! Terence Fisher (HORROR OF DRACULA, 1958) directed this alien invasion film making good use of his limited resources with atmospheric lighting, imaginative camera work and well-chosen location shooting.
This fourth volume in this Dragon’s Domain Records series has been mastered by James Nelson at Digital Outland. Exclusive liner notes by author David Hirsch explore these classic films from the sci-fi craze of the 1950s and 60s. This CD set is a limited run. The Golden Age Of Science Fiction Volume 3 is expected to begin shipping the week of June 19th, 2024.
SPECIAL NOTE: These recordings were originally taken from analog masters and music & effects tracks and therefore certain limitations from the source tapes may be evident. We have tried to preserve as closely as possible, the quality of the original recordings.
トラックリストロナルド・スタインが音楽を担当した、偉大なる故ロジャー・コーマンに敬意を表し、3作目の監督作品『原子怪獣と裸女』(1955)のサウンドトラックを収録。この映画は、"Total Destruction Day"と形容される核攻撃の直後から始まり、人類の多くはどうやら一掃されたようだ。生き残りの有象無象が、終末予備軍とその娘の家に集まる。彼らは放射能の脅威、限られた食料と水、そして外に潜む三つ目のミュータント・クリーチャーと闘う!
『絶叫する地球 ロボット大襲撃』(1964年)では、イギリスの小さな村の宿屋に身を寄せる生存者たちの前に、宇宙服を着た2人の死神が現れる!『吸血鬼ドラキュラ』(1958年)のテレンス・フィッシャーが監督を務めたこのエイリアン侵略映画は、限られたリソースをうまく使い、雰囲気のある照明、想像力豊かなカメラワーク、選び抜かれたロケーション撮影を駆使している。
Dragon’s Domain Records proudly presents the fourth volume in our ongoing series of music from classic science-fiction films.
It’s only the end of the world . . . again as we salute the late, great Roger Corman’s third outing as director, THE DAY THE WORLD ENDED (1955 THE DAY THE WORLD ENDED (1955), scored by Ronald Stein. The film begins just after a nuclear attack, described as “Total Destruction Day,” and much of humanity is apparently wiped out. A rag-tag collection of survivors gather at the home of a doomsday prepper and his daughter. They struggle with the threat of radiation, limited food and water, and a three-eyed mutant creature lurking outside!
The second film in this collection features music from the criminally under represented composer Elisabeth Lutyens, who became Britain’s first female feature film composer when she began accepting commissions to write scores for both Hammer and Amicus studios.
THE EARTH DIES SCREAMING (1964) has another group of survivors huddling down in a small English village inn, only be confronted by two space-suited figures that have the touch of death! Terence Fisher (HORROR OF DRACULA, 1958) directed this alien invasion film making good use of his limited resources with atmospheric lighting, imaginative camera work and well-chosen location shooting.
This fourth volume in this Dragon’s Domain Records series has been mastered by James Nelson at Digital Outland. Exclusive liner notes by author David Hirsch explore these classic films from the sci-fi craze of the 1950s and 60s. This CD set is a limited run. The Golden Age Of Science Fiction Volume 3 is expected to begin shipping the week of June 19th, 2024.
SPECIAL NOTE: These recordings were originally taken from analog masters and music & effects tracks and therefore certain limitations from the source tapes may be evident. We have tried to preserve as closely as possible, the quality of the original recordings.
DAY THE WORLD ENDED (1955 - Ronald Stein)
01. Opening and Main Titles (4:42)
02. The Big Event (3:44)
03. The Survivors Gather (2:57)
04. Strange Shadows (2:46)
05. The Watcher / Fight (2:27)
06. Love, Suffering and Loneliness (5:00)
07. Heavy Pressure (4:17)
08. Stalking and Chase (3:57)
09. Signal and Invasion (3:04)
10. Kidnapping in the Rain / Finale (5:03)
11. The S.F. Blues (Jazz Source) (1:56)
12. Day the World Ended (1955) Theatrical Trailer (2:36)
THE EARTH DIES SCREAMING (1964 - Elisabeth Lutyens)
13. Main Title from “The Earth Dies Screaming” (2:34)
14. Investigating a Dead Town (2:11)
15. Suspicions / Be Careful (3:23)
16. They Are Here (1:40)
17. Danger (2:51)
18. Extermination Everywhere (3:47)
19. Finale / End Titles (4:42)
20. The Earth Dies Screaming (1964) Theatrical Trailer (2:04)
Total Time 66:37