01. Kong in Containment (2:04) 02. APEX Main Titles (2:40) 03. Bernie’s Podcast (0:59) 04. APEX Commercial (1:10) 05. Locker Room Skulking (0:42) 06. Godzilla Arrives in Pensacola (2:05) 07. The Eye of the Mecha (0:43) 08. Maddie Leaves School / Monarch Relief Camp (1:43) 09. Maddie’s Research (0:38) 10. Hollow Earth Plan / Meet Andrews (3:46) 11. This is his Home (0:47) 12. Rosales Sting (0:23) 13. Kong Chained (0:42) 14. Kong Bows To No One / Jia On The Deck (2:02) 15. He Knows Sign Language (2:34) 16. Maddie’s Room (0:44) 17. The Van Plan (1:23) 18. Bernie’s Reveal (0:23) 19. Bernie’s Story (1:52)
01. Now Everbody Knows (1:06) 02. Jia Senses Godzilla (1:12) 03. Ships Fight (9:32) 04. Inside APEX (4:12) 05. Kong Transported (1:24) 06. Home is Down There (2:36) 07. Into The Tunnel (2:08) 08. Entering Hollow Earth / Nozuki Battle / Beauteous (5:55) 09. MechaGodzilla Reveal (3:50) 10. The Temple (3:51) 11. Kong on the Throne (2:11) 12. Discovering Ghidorah (1:59) 13. Godzilla Arrives in Hong Kong / APEX Betrayal (4:00) 14. Earthquake Pt. 1 / Pt. 2 / Kids Get Caught (4:48) 15. Hong Kong Fight / Simmons Talks / Kong Goes Down (7:44) 16. Mecha Unleashed / Final Battle / Aftermath (13:11) 17. End Credits (6:50) 18. Suite: Godzilla’s Theme (18:00) 19. Suite: Kong’s Universe (9:03)
モンスターバースシリーズの第4作目で、ゴジラとキングコングの対決を描く。音楽は『マッドマックス 怒りのデス・ロード』、『デッドプール』のジャンキー・XLことトム・ホルケンボルフ。「ゴジラvsコング」のオリジナル・サウンドトラック完全盤がついに登場!全38曲、約117分収録した2枚組CD(プレス盤)。500枚限定盤
トラックリストDISC ONE
01. Kong in Containment (2:04)
02. APEX Main Titles (2:40)
03. Bernie’s Podcast (0:59)
04. APEX Commercial (1:10)
05. Locker Room Skulking (0:42)
06. Godzilla Arrives in Pensacola (2:05)
07. The Eye of the Mecha (0:43)
08. Maddie Leaves School / Monarch Relief Camp (1:43)
09. Maddie’s Research (0:38)
10. Hollow Earth Plan / Meet Andrews (3:46)
11. This is his Home (0:47)
12. Rosales Sting (0:23)
13. Kong Chained (0:42)
14. Kong Bows To No One / Jia On The Deck (2:02)
15. He Knows Sign Language (2:34)
16. Maddie’s Room (0:44)
17. The Van Plan (1:23)
18. Bernie’s Reveal (0:23)
19. Bernie’s Story (1:52)
01. Now Everbody Knows (1:06)
02. Jia Senses Godzilla (1:12)
03. Ships Fight (9:32)
04. Inside APEX (4:12)
05. Kong Transported (1:24)
06. Home is Down There (2:36)
07. Into The Tunnel (2:08)
08. Entering Hollow Earth / Nozuki Battle / Beauteous (5:55)
09. MechaGodzilla Reveal (3:50)
10. The Temple (3:51)
11. Kong on the Throne (2:11)
12. Discovering Ghidorah (1:59)
13. Godzilla Arrives in Hong Kong / APEX Betrayal (4:00)
14. Earthquake Pt. 1 / Pt. 2 / Kids Get Caught (4:48)
15. Hong Kong Fight / Simmons Talks / Kong Goes Down (7:44)
16. Mecha Unleashed / Final Battle / Aftermath (13:11)
17. End Credits (6:50)
18. Suite: Godzilla’s Theme (18:00)
19. Suite: Kong’s Universe (9:03)