チャールズ・ゲルハルト指揮によるフランツ・ワックスマン作品集。演奏はナショナル・フィルハーモニック・オーケストラ。SACDハイブリッド・マルチシャンネル仕様。This hybrid CD can be played on any standard CD players発売日:2018.9.18
1. Prince Valiant - Suite (Waxman)Prelude - King Aguar’s Escape - The Fens - The First Chase - The Tournament - Sir Brack’s Death and Finale2. A Place in the Sun - Suite (Waxman) 3. The Bride of Frankenstein (Waxman)The Creation of the Female Monster4. Sunset Boulevard - Suite (Waxman)Main Title - Norma Desmond - The Studio Stroll - The Comeback: Norma as Salome5. Old Acquaintance: Elegy for Strings (Waxman) 6. Rebecca - Suite (Waxman) Prelude - After the Ball - Mrs. Danvers - Confession Scene - Manderley in Flames7. The Philadelphia Story (Waxman) Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Fanfare - Main Title - The True Love8. Taras Bulba (Waxman) The Ride to Dubno
チャールズ・ゲルハルト指揮によるフランツ・ワックスマン作品集。演奏はナショナル・フィルハーモニック・オーケストラ。SACDハイブリッド・マルチシャンネル仕様。This hybrid CD can be played on any standard CD players
1. Prince Valiant - Suite (Waxman)
Prelude - King Aguar’s Escape - The Fens - The First Chase - The Tournament - Sir Brack’s Death and Finale
2. A Place in the Sun - Suite (Waxman)
3. The Bride of Frankenstein (Waxman)
The Creation of the Female Monster
4. Sunset Boulevard - Suite (Waxman)
Main Title - Norma Desmond - The Studio Stroll - The Comeback: Norma as Salome
5. Old Acquaintance: Elegy for Strings (Waxman)
6. Rebecca - Suite (Waxman)
Prelude - After the Ball - Mrs. Danvers - Confession Scene - Manderley in Flames
7. The Philadelphia Story (Waxman)
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Fanfare - Main Title - The True Love
8. Taras Bulba (Waxman)
The Ride to Dubno