1. ホーム


価格(税込): ¥7,513

品番: CDDM328
発売日: 2024/05/31
フォーマット: 3CD

レアなステルヴィオ・チプリアーニのサウンドトラック集第1弾。初CD化となる1985年のTVシリーズ「BACIAMI STREGA」、1988年のヒューマンドラマの名作映画「ドン・ボスコ」、1990年のTVムービー「愛する事ができないのなら…」のサウンドトラックをCD3枚組BOXで発売!


「BACIAMI STREGA」OSTが、デジトム・ムービーズから初めてCD化。これらの楽曲は、これまでデジタル版でのみ公開されていたので、このCDバージョンはチプリアーニのファン層を大いに満足させるだろう。ステルヴィオ・チプリアーニは、繰り返し流れるピアノのテーマ(作者自身による演奏)、ラテンのリズム、ストリングスで構成された見事なコメントを作曲した。OSTは、サスペンスフルな曲と、ワルツやタンゴのような60年代を思わせるダンサブルな曲とが交互に演奏されるが、18世紀のチェンバロ音楽、明らかにルネサンス風味のフルートとギター音楽、悲しくも楽しくもあるロマンティックな曲もある。ステルヴィオ・チプリアーニがピアノを弾いている。このCD(分66:03)では、オリジナル・セッションのステレオ・マスターを使用。




映画『ドン・ボスコ』のOSTがイタリアで初めてCD化。1989年、EMI SongsがCinevoxにリリースを許諾し、CiakシリーズのLPレコード(CIA 5075)と16曲入りミュージック・カセット(CIAK 75075)が発売された。日本では2010年にVERITA NOTEからCD(VQCD-10203)が発売され、コレクターの間で大変な人気を博している。そのため、今回のCDでは、この美しいオーケストラ・スコアをお楽しみいただくことができる。ステルヴィオ・チプリアーニは、フルート、ギター、オーケストラが支配するロマンティックなコメントを作曲・演出し、"Gita alle cascate"のような陽気な曲と、"I moti rivoluzionari "のようなドラマティックな曲が交互に演奏される。ドン・ボスコは魅力的な宗教音楽に彩られている。ここでもステルヴィオ・チプリアーニがピアノを弾いている。このCD(48分30秒)では、オリジナル・セッションのステレオ・マスターを使用。




映画『愛する事ができないのなら…』のOSTをイタリアで初めてCD化。日本では2010年にVERITA NOTEからCD(VQCD-10184)が発売されている。そのため、私たちのCDは、この美しいオーケストラ・スコアを楽しんでいただくためのものです。その牧歌的なムードのおかげで、チプリアーニのセンチメンタリズムがこの楽譜で蘇る。甘く穏やかな雰囲気とドラマチックな雰囲気が交互に現れる。ステルヴィオ・チプリアーニはここでもピアノを弾いている。このCD(分40:22)では、オリジナル・セッションのステレオ・マスターを使用。

1990年レアンドロ・カステッラーニ監督、アントニオ・サバトJr.主演、 チンツィア・デ・ポンティ、オッタヴィア・ピッコロ、ジャコモ・ピペルノ、カルロ・シモーニ、ピエルイジ・ミザーシ、デリア・ボッカルド、レオポルド・トリエステ、フランコ・インテルレンギ、マルチェッロ・マンド、サンドロ・ドーリ、パオロ・サッサネッリ、アルド・E.Castellani, Gaia Zoppi, Massimo De Lorenzo, Ivano Staccioli, Elodie Treccani, Raffaele Buranelli, Sandro Pellegrini, Giusy Valeri, Giulia Calderone, Antonio Cantafora, Vassili Karis, Nino Fuscagni, Massimo Giuliani.

トリノの新聞 "ラ・スタンパ "のオーナー、ジョルジョ・フラッサーティの晩年。ファシズムがイタリアを支配したばかりの頃、工学部の学生だったピエル・ジョルジョは、友人たちとの自由な時間を楽しむよりも、恵まれない人々を助けることを優先していた。彼は1901年から1925年にかけて生き、1990年に列福される。

Digitmovies releases a CD Box Set containing three rare Stelvio Cipiriani’s OSTs based on TV series “Baciami Strega”, motion picture “Don Bosco” and TV movie “Se non avessi l’amore”.



Digitmovies issues “Baciami strega” OST, for the very first time on CD. These tracks had been published only in digital edition before, so this CD version will make M° Cipriani’s fanbase very happy. Stelvio Cipriani composed a brilliant comment, intruduced by a recurring piano theme (played by the author himself), latin rythms and strings. The OST alternates suspenseful tracks with more danceable ones that wink at the 60’s, like waltz and tango, but also with eighteenth-century harpsichord music, flute and guitar music with a decidedly Renaissance flavor, and with romantic tracks, both sad and happy. Stelvio Cipriani plays the piano here. For this CD (min 66:03), we used original session’s stereo masters.


Directed by Duccio Tessari in 1985 and starring Iris Peynado and Philippe Leroy.


A beautiful witch is sent to the Earth by the devil to capture the souls of ambitious men, willing to sell them for success.



Digitmovies issues the OST from the movie “Don Bosco”, for the first time on CD in Italy. EMI Songs granted release to Cinevox that published a LP record for the series Ciak (CIA 5075) and a 16-tracks musicassette (CIAK 75075) in 1989. In 2010 Verita Note released the CD version (VQCD 10203) in Japan, an edition very much desired by collectors. Therefore, our CD will allow our audience to enjoy this beautiful orchestral score. Stelvio Cipriani composed and directed a romantic comment, where flute, guitar and orchestra prevail, alternated with cheerful tracks, like “Gita alle cascate”, and with more dramatic ones, like “I moti rivoluzionari”. Don Bosco is described by fascinating religious musics. Stelvio Cipriani plays the piano here, too. For this CD (min 48:30), we used original session’s stereo masters.


Directed by Leandro Castellani in 1988 and starring Ben Gazzara, Patsy Kensit, Karl Zinny, Laurent Terzieff, Piera Degli Esposti, Philippe Leroy, Edmund Purdom, Pierluigi Misasi, Rick Battaglia, Leopoldo Trieste, Raymond Pellegrin, Aldo E. Castellani, Egidio Termine, Silvano Tranquilli, Luca Lionello.


Don Bosco, feeble at the end of his life, recalls his past, his childhood memories, when he used to walk on a rope tied to two trees to entertain his friends. The most significant moments of his life, dedicated to young people, are shown in a flashback: he used to look for children among the streets of pre-industrial Turin to free them from the exploitation by ruthless masters. Where he can, he improvised a rudimental laboratory to give them a job. He offered them meals, a shelter, his friendship. Consoled by Don Borel, he took on politicians, priests, angry business men. Threatened and assaulted, he escaped death more than once. He didn’t hesitate to go to Popes Pio IX and Leone XIII, to seek support for his cause. He died worshiping Mary, that inspired his incredible adventure as educator.



Digitmovies issues the OST from the movie “Se non avessi l’amore”, for the first time on CD in Italy. In 2010 Verita Note released the CD version (VQCD 10184) in Japan. Therefore, our CD will allow our audience to enjoy this beautiful orchestral score. All Cipriani’s sentimentalism comes back in this score, thanks to its pastorale mood. Sweet and serene atmospheres alternates with more dramatic ones. Stelvio Cipriani plays the piano here, too. For this CD (min 40:22), we used original session’s stereo masters.


Directed by Leandro Castellani in 1990 and starring Antonio Sabato Jr., Cinzia De Ponti, Ottavia Piccolo, Giacomo Piperno, Carlo Simoni, Pierluigi Misasi, Delia Boccardo, Leopoldo Trieste, Franco Interlenghi, Marcello Mando, Sandro Dori, Paolo Sassanelli, Aldo E. Castellani, Gaia Zoppi, Massimo De Lorenzo, Ivano Staccioli, Elodie Treccani, Raffaele Buranelli, Sandro Pellegrini, Giusy Valeri, Giulia Calderone, Antonio Cantafora, Vassili Karis, Nino Fuscagni, Massimo Giuliani.


Turin-based newspaper “La Stampa” owners’ heir Giorgio Frassati’s last year of life. Facism just took over Italy and Pier Giorgio, engineering student, puts helping the deprived before enjoying free time with his friends. He lives between 1901 and 1925 and will be then beatified in 1990.


CD1 - BACIAMI STREGA (original television soundtrack)
01 Baciami strega (seq.1) 4:04
02 Baciami strega (seq.2) 3:22
03 Baciami strega (seq.3) 2:04
04 Baciami strega (seq.4) 4:01
05 Baciami strega (seq.5) 5:23
06 Baciami strega (seq.6) 2:08
07 Baciami strega (seq.7) 3:08
08 Baciami strega (seq.8) 3:19
09 Baciami strega (seq.9) 1:28
10 Baciami strega (seq.10) 2:45
11 Baciami strega (seq.11) 2:12
12 Baciami strega (seq.12) 2:19
13 Baciami strega (seq.13) 2:06
14 Baciami strega (seq.14) 2:14
15 Baciami strega (seq.15) 4:38
16 Baciami strega (seq.16) 5:17
17 Baciami strega (seq.17) 4:12
18 Baciami strega (seq.18) 2:33
19 Baciami strega (seq.19) 2:02
20 Baciami strega (seq.20) 2:54
21 Baciami strega (seq.21) 3:15
CD2 - DON BOSCO (Original motion picture soundtrack)
01 Don Bosco (Tema di Don Bosco) 1:57
02 Don Bosco (La gita alle cascate) 2:37
03 Don Bosco (La preghiera dei ragazzi) 2:36
04 Don Bosco (La poverta) 1:39
05 Don Bosco (L'agguato a Don Bosco) 1:02
06 Don Bosco (La morte di Don Bosco) 1:26
07 Don Bosco (L'addio al passato) 1:17
08 Don Bosco (Il laboratorio dei ragazzi) 3:45
09 Don Bosco (Il ritrovo in sacrestia) 2:04
10 Don Bosco (L'amore dei giovani) 2:23
11 Don Bosco (La prima pietra) 3:17
12 Don Bosco (I moti rivoluzionari) 1:54
13 Don Bosco (Il coro degli angeli) 3:05
14 Don Bosco (L'attesa in carcere) 2:49
15 Don Bosco (La corsa nel Valentino) 1:28
16 Don Bosco (L'ingresso in Vaticano) 3:41
17 Don Bosco (Tema di Don Bosco - Piano Solo) 2:00
18 Don Bosco (La poverta - Take 2) 1:10
19 Don Bosco (L'agguato a Don Bosco - Take 2) 2:43
20 Don Bosco (I moti rivoluzionari - Take 2) 1:18
21 Don Bosco (La poverta - Take 3) 1:09
22 Don Bosco (Tema di Don Bosco - Reprise) 1:36
23 Don Bosco (Il laboratorio dei ragazzi - Take 2) 1:31
24 Don Bosco (Tema di Don Bosco - Final Reprise) 1:04
CD3 - SE NON AVESSI L'AMORE (Original motion picture soundtrack)
01 Se non avessi l'amore (Titoli) 2:54
02 Se non avessi l'amore (Violin Sadness) 2:02
03 Se non avessi l'amore (Flute Version) 2:49
04 Se non avessi l'amore (Guitar Version) 1:43
05 Se non avessi l'amore (Piano Version) 1:15
06 Se non avessi l'amore (Tension) 1:14
07 Se non avessi l'amore (Love Mood) 1:23
08 Se non avessi l'amore (Piano Version 2) 2:23
09 Se non avessi l'amore (Love Theme) 1:27
10 Se non avessi l'amore (Flute Version 2) 2:36
11 Se non avessi l'amore (Guitar Version 2) 2:54
12 Se non avessi l'amore (Tension 2) 0:59
13 Se non avessi l'amore (Guitar Version 3) 2:35
14 Se non avessi l'amore (Romantic Mood) 1:02
15 Se non avessi l'amore (Organ Version) 1:10
16 Se non avessi l'amore (Strings Version) 2:51
17 Se non avessi l'amore (Guitar Version 4) 2:43
18 Se non avessi l'amore (Guitar Version 5) 1:15
19 Se non avessi l'amore (Fisa Version) 1:13
20 Se non avessi l'amore (Finale) 3:15