1. ホーム
  2. 復讐の銃弾 (アベンジャー)

復讐の銃弾 (アベンジャー)

価格(税込): ¥4,015

品番: CDDM325
発売日: 2024/05/31
フォーマット: 1CD


グイド&マウリツィオ・デ・アンジェリスは、彼らの長く幸運なキャリアの中で最も注目に値するスコアを作曲した。このOSTは、不公正と都会の騒動に立ち向かう市民の孤独と絶望を浮き彫りにする、繰り返されるテーマに基づいている。ハーモニカを伴ったロックとカントリーの間のチャーミングなサウンドが、このトータル・エバーグリーン・スコアを特徴づけている。フルート、エレキ・ギター、ムーグ・シンセサイザー、ドラムが奏でるサイケデリアとノワールの間の宙ぶらりんなムード。当時RCAは、スージー&ガイによる「Goodbye my friend」とガイによる「Drivin' all around」を収録した7インチレコード(TBBO1074)をリリースしていた。2002年、GDMミュージックから初めてサウンドトラックがCD化され(CD-CLUB-7007)、さらに凝ったアートワークで再発された。LP版は2016年にAMSから出版された(AMSLP120)。



Digitmovies issues Guido & Maurizio De Angelis'“Street law” (aka “Il cittadino si ribella”) OST on CD.

Guido & Maurizio De Angelis composed a score that will certainly always be one of the most remarkable of their long and lucky career. An OST based on a recurring theme, that highlights the loneliness and desperation of a citizen rising up against injustice and urban racket. Charming sounds between rock and country, accompanied by harmonica, mark out this total evergreen score. Suspended moods between psychedelia and noir, with flute, electric guitars, Moog synthetizer and drums. Back then RCA had released just a 7-inch record (TBBO 1074) with “Goodbye my friend”, performed by Susi & Guy, and “Drivin’ all around” by Guy. In 2002 GDM Music published the background soundtrack on CD, for the first time ever (CD CLUB 7007), it was then re-issued with a more elaborate artwork. The LP version was published by AMS (LP 120) in 2016.


Directed by Enzo G. Castellari in 1974 and starring Franco Nero, Barbara Bach, Renzo Palmer, Giancarlo Prete, Romano Puppo, Massimo Vanni, Renata Zamengo, Nazzareno Zamperla.


In Genova, during a bank robbery, Carlo Antonelli gets taken hostage, beaten up and abandoned in a car by three bandits. Since the police seems unwilling to help him, he swears to himself to be the one who finds and kills the criminals. With his camera, he catches a young thief named Tommy red-handed. By blackmailing him, Carlo forces Tommy to find some weapons and to introduce him to some of the most dangerous felons. Among them, Antonelli finds the three thieves, finds out their hideout and calls the police. The criminals manage to flee, maybe warned by someone inside the police station. Antonelli doesn’t give up and, helped out by his friend Tommy, fakes his own kidnapping to force the intervention of the policemen. While they comb through the underworld, the three criminals try to kill Antonelli. During the fight, they die but, unfortunately, so does Tommy.


01. IL CITTADINO SI RIBELLA (main titles) 1:38
02. GOODBYE MY FRIEND (slow version) 2:36
03. DRIVIN' ALL AROUND (instrumental version) 2:54
04. GOODBYE MY FRIEND (rock version) 3:32
05. GOODBYE MY FRIEND (slow version #2) 3:08
06. IL CITTADINO SI RIBELLA (main titles reprise) 2:05
07. GOODBYE MY FRIEND (vocal version) 3:32
08. GOODBYE MY FRIEND (slow version #3) 3:14
09. IL CITTADINO SI RIBELLA (country mood) 1:39
10. GOODBYE MY FRIEND (rock version #2) 4:01
11. DRIVIN' ALL AROUND (instrumental version) 2:54
12. GOODBYE MY FRIEND (rock version #3) 2:34
13. DRIVIN' ALL AROUND (vocal - single version) 3:11
14. IL CITTADINO SI RIBELLA (main theme reprise #2) 3:39
15. GOODBYE MY FRIEND (rock version #4) 3:49
16. GOODBYE MY FRIEND (vocal - single version) 4:03