1. ホーム


価格(税込): ¥2,475

品番: BSR34
発売日: 2023/06/23
フォーマット: 1CD

IFMCA賞を受賞、BAFTAノミネート作曲家オリヴィエ・デリヴィエールによる Asobo Studioのダークでスリリングなサードパーソンアドベンチャー・ゲーム「A Plague Tale: Innocence」のサウンドトラック。

A Plague Tale: Innocenceは、アクション、探索、ステルスが融合したダークでスリリングな三人称視点のアドベンチャーで、AsoboスタジオがPlayStation 4、Xbox ONE、PC向けに開発しました。

1349. ペストがフランス王国を襲う。アミシアと弟のヒューゴは異端審問官に追われ、病気で荒廃した村々を巡る。旅の途中、他の孤児たちと力を合わせ、火と光を駆使して不自然なネズミの大群を回避する必要がある。孤児たちの運命をつなぐリンクに助けられながら、生き残りをかけた絶望的な闘いの中で、あなたは歴史の暗黒の日々に立ち向かうことになります。
A Plague Tale: Innocenceの素晴らしい中世の世界は、このベテランチームによる印象的な環境と芸術的な演出、そして息を呑むような音楽によって、生き生きと表現されています。この悪夢のような歴史の幻影に足を踏み入れる勇気があれば、あなたの冒険が始まり、イノセンスの時代が終わるのです。

Black Screen Records is excited to announce that Damian Sanchez' chill and joyful orchestral soundtrack to Crema's massively multiplayer creature-collection adventure Temtem. You get 47 songs and the three starters Crystle, Smazee and Houchic in one beautiful trifold set with gorgeous artwork by Alex Munoz and Cristina Jimenez. The vinyl and CD both come with a download card for the full digital soundtrack including all tracks.ABOUT THE SOUNDTRACK:Temtem's original game soundtrack is a melodic journey through the adventures on the Airborne Archipelago. A mixture of musical styles and flavors ranging from the chill and joyful orchestral sounds from Deniz to the most vivid and chrer-ish celtic dances from Arbury, through the folk and peacefulness of Omninesia, the mysterious glassy mallets of Tucma, the warm drums and flutes of Kisiwa, and the modern-versus-traditional Asian tunes in Cipanku.Discover the traditions of each isle through it's instrumental palette and melodies, and vibe with the rhythms of the combat themes while you become the greatest Temtem tamer.The aim of this physical edition it's always been to give our fans not only another way of listening to Temtem's soundtrack, but to make a piece of art they would love to display on their shelves or even hang on a wall.Both teams at Crema and Black Screen Records worked really hard for a long time to cherry-pick the best ideas and come up with these incredibly beautiful editions.We are really proud of these products and we really hope you enjoy them! - Damian SanchezABOUT THE GAME:Temtem is a massively multiplayer online adventure where you'll get to explore the colorful and exciting Airborne Archipelago with all your friends and other players! Discover, tame and battle the Temtem that inhabit these islands, and maybe save the Archipelago in the process?Temtem offers a lengthy story campaign in a fully online world, and the possibility of playing the entire adventure in Co-op with a friend; a rich, complex, RNG-free combat experience, and competitively oriented gameplay, with challenges for all play styles; a bustling economy and trading environment; advanced character customization, housing and a myriad of ways to express yourself!


1 Plague Tale
2 Father, Grieving
3 In Shock, Inquisition
4 Orphans, Strangers
5 Escape, Big Sister
6 The Killing
7 Adulthood
8 Together Forever
9 Rats Forever
10 Little Brother
11 By the River
12 Massacre, Prisoners
13 Mystical Castle
14 The Shelter
15 Exodus
16 A New Friend
17 She Is Alive
18 Beyond the Horizon
19 Reunited
20 I'm Sorry
21 The Wrath