1. Lessons 2. Ultima Saves Lucas 3. Seasons 4. Lupito?s Death 5. Harvest 6. The Dolls 7. Antonio Runs 8. Meet Tenorio 9. The Llano 10. Brothers Return 11. Mob With Fire 12. Trip To El Puerto 13. Antonio?s Disappointment 14. Tenorio Attacks 15. An Argument 16. Ultima?s Owl 17. The Vitamin Kid 18. Narciso?s Death 19. Sowing Seeds 20. Gabriel?s Sadness 21. Lunch 22. Tenorio?s Death 23. Communion 24. Confessions 25. End Credits
第二次世界大戦中のメキシコを舞台にしたドラマ。音楽は「ザ・ウォード 監禁病棟」のマーク・キリアン。CD-R(正規盤).
1. Lessons
2. Ultima Saves Lucas
3. Seasons
4. Lupito?s Death
5. Harvest
6. The Dolls
7. Antonio Runs
8. Meet Tenorio
9. The Llano
10. Brothers Return
11. Mob With Fire
12. Trip To El Puerto
13. Antonio?s Disappointment
14. Tenorio Attacks
15. An Argument
16. Ultima?s Owl
17. The Vitamin Kid
18. Narciso?s Death
19. Sowing Seeds
20. Gabriel?s Sadness
21. Lunch
22. Tenorio?s Death
23. Communion
24. Confessions
25. End Credits