1. ホーム
  2. CRIS TALES (2枚組)


価格(税込): ¥2,673

品番: 4059251465461
発売日: 2022/03/04
フォーマット: 2CD

『Cris Tales』は新たな視点で綴られる、インディーからクラシックJRPGへの美しいラブレターです。過去をかいまみ、現在で行動することでダイナミックに変化する未来。そのすべてがひとつの画面で繰り広げられます! 目覚めたばかりの時使いCrisbellや魅力あふれる仲間たちと共に、恐ろしい未来の迫るファンタジー世界を旅しましょう。強大な力を誇る時の女帝とその軍勢は、Crystallisと4つの王国を引き裂こうとしています… 音楽はタイソン・ワーンリー。

Black Screen Records has teamed up with Modus Games to release Tyson Wernli's beautiful soundtrack to Cris Tales - a gorgeous, indie love letter to classic JRPGs developed by Dreams Uncorporated & SYCK - on limited edition gold/white marbled & translucent curacao double vinyl and 2xCD this year. The vinyl comes in a beautiful gatefold sleeve and includes a Bandcamp Code for the full digital soundtrack (70 songs!)
Composer Tyson Wernli grew up inspired by the music of Yasunori Mitsuda, Nobuo Uematsu, and Koji Kondo and with Cris Tales, Wernli set out to create a soundtrack which paid homage to the games of his childhood while also establishing his own voice in the genre through use of leitmotifs, strong rhythms, and lyrical melodies.
Experience Past, Present, and Future simultaneously in this gorgeous, indie love letter to classic JRPGs. Discover a unique combination of branching stories, innovative combat, and classic RPG gameplay in Cris Tales' exciting and unforgettable exploration of how our actions echo through time. Join the newly awakened Time Mage, Crisbell, and her fantastical companions in a fantasy world facing a grim future. The powerful Time Empress and her forces threaten to bring about a cataclysm tearing apart Crystallis and the other four Kingdoms of the region. For more info about the game check out https://modusgames. Com/cris-tales/