Directed by Robert Rodriguez and produced by James Cameron, Alita: Battle Angel is a cyberpunk action film based on Yukito Kishiro's famous manga. Starring Rosa Salazar as Alita, as well as Christoph Waltz, Jennifer Connelly and Mahershala Ali, the film tells the story of a futuristic cyborg who wakes in a doctor's clinic with no memory of who she is. She must use her extraordinary fighting abilities to combat deadly forces while trying to uncover the truth behind her mysterious past. The epic action film is scored by Tom Holkenborg (aka Junke XL).
1. A Discovery 2. I Don't Even Know My Own Name 3. What's Your Dream? 4. Double Identity 5. The Warrior Within 6. A Dark Past 7. In Time You'll Remember 8. Nova's Orders 9. Jackers Mission 10. Unlocking The Past 11. Whose Body Is This? 12. Grewishka's Revenge 13. Broken Doll 14. With Me 15. I'd Give You My Heart 16. You Just Lost A Puppet 17. What Did You Do? 18. In The Clouds 19. Raising The Sword 20. Motorball
日本発SF漫画の最高峰「銃夢(がんむ)」壮大なる構想を経て遂に実写化!映画『アリータ:バトル・エンジェル』のオリジナル・サウンドトラック。音楽は「マッドマックス 怒りのデス・ロード」のジャンキー・XLことトム・ホルケンボルフ!
トラックリストDirected by Robert Rodriguez and produced by James Cameron, Alita: Battle Angel is a cyberpunk action film based on Yukito Kishiro's famous manga. Starring Rosa Salazar as Alita, as well as Christoph Waltz, Jennifer Connelly and Mahershala Ali, the film tells the story of a futuristic cyborg who wakes in a doctor's clinic with no memory of who she is. She must use her extraordinary fighting abilities to combat deadly forces while trying to uncover the truth behind her mysterious past. The epic action film is scored by Tom Holkenborg (aka Junke XL).
1. A Discovery
2. I Don't Even Know My Own Name
3. What's Your Dream?
4. Double Identity
5. The Warrior Within
6. A Dark Past
7. In Time You'll Remember
8. Nova's Orders
9. Jackers Mission
10. Unlocking The Past
11. Whose Body Is This?
12. Grewishka's Revenge
13. Broken Doll
14. With Me
15. I'd Give You My Heart
16. You Just Lost A Puppet
17. What Did You Do?
18. In The Clouds
19. Raising The Sword
20. Motorball