Cooties is a horror comedy film directed by Cary Murnion and Jonathan Milott. Starring Elijah Wood, Cooties tells the story of an isolated elementary school hit by a mysterious virus. It transforms the kids into a feral swarm of mass savages eating and slaughtering everyone crossing their path. Recording artist Kreng composed a very unique score for Cooties. It is an homage to the various styles of horror film music. It has a very wide scope ranging from classical compositions to purely 80s synth pieces.
1. Opening Titles - (with Kreng) 2. 'You Are So Fuckin' Ugly' - (with Kreng) 3. Rick's Tape - (with Kreng) 4. Dink Spreads the Virus - (with Kreng) 5. Mr. Simms Attacked - (with Kreng) 6. 'Oh Look, Carnage!' - (with Kreng) 7. Wade Leads the Ways - (with Kreng) 8. Playground, The - (with Kreng) 9. Racer and Emily - (with Kreng) 10. Dink's Death - (with Kreng) 11. 'We're All Gonna Die, Aren't We?' - (with Kreng) 12. Trike Girl - (with Kreng) 13. Candy Machine, The - (with Kreng) 14. Kiss, The - (with Kreng) 15. Suiting Up - (with Kreng) 16. Battle, The - (with Kreng) 17. Patriot's Attack - (with Kreng) 18. Danville - (with Kreng) 19. Wandering in the Dark - (with Kreng) 20. Carnival - (with Kreng) 21. Finale - (with Kreng) 22. End Credits - (with Kreng)
トラックリストCooties is a horror comedy film directed by Cary Murnion and Jonathan Milott. Starring Elijah Wood, Cooties tells the story of an isolated elementary school hit by a mysterious virus. It transforms the kids into a feral swarm of mass savages eating and slaughtering everyone crossing their path. Recording artist Kreng composed a very unique score for Cooties. It is an homage to the various styles of horror film music. It has a very wide scope ranging from classical compositions to purely 80s synth pieces.
1. Opening Titles - (with Kreng)
2. 'You Are So Fuckin' Ugly' - (with Kreng)
3. Rick's Tape - (with Kreng)
4. Dink Spreads the Virus - (with Kreng)
5. Mr. Simms Attacked - (with Kreng)
6. 'Oh Look, Carnage!' - (with Kreng)
7. Wade Leads the Ways - (with Kreng)
8. Playground, The - (with Kreng)
9. Racer and Emily - (with Kreng)
10. Dink's Death - (with Kreng)
11. 'We're All Gonna Die, Aren't We?' - (with Kreng)
12. Trike Girl - (with Kreng)
13. Candy Machine, The - (with Kreng)
14. Kiss, The - (with Kreng)
15. Suiting Up - (with Kreng)
16. Battle, The - (with Kreng)
17. Patriot's Attack - (with Kreng)
18. Danville - (with Kreng)
19. Wandering in the Dark - (with Kreng)
20. Carnival - (with Kreng)
21. Finale - (with Kreng)
22. End Credits - (with Kreng)