1. Prologue (Williamson orch Ashmore) MH 2. Main Title (Williamson orch Morley) 3. Venturing Forth (Morley) 4. Into the Mist (Morley) 5. Crossing the River and Onward (Morley) 6. Fiver’s Vision (Morley) 7. Through the Woods (Morley) 8. The Rat Fight (Morley) 9. Violet’s Gone (Morley) 10. Climbing the Down (Morley) 11. Bright Eyes (Batt) AG 12. Interlude (Morley) 13. Bigwig’s Capture (Morley) 14. Kehaar’s Theme (Morley) 15. The Escape from Efrafa (Morley) 16. Hazel’s Plan (Morley) 17. Final Struggle and Triumph (Morley) 18. The End Titles (Morley)
Featuring: MH Michael Hordern (narrator); AG Art Garfunkel (vocal)
トラックリストマーティン・ローゼンが製作・監督・脚本を兼ねて創ったイギリスの動物アニメ。野うさぎたちは、都市郊外の野原の地下に穴を堀って日々平和に暮らしていた。しかし、その中には人間の乱開発の危機を感じて、安住の地へと旅立つうさぎたちもいた……。声の出演: ジョン・ハート、リチャード・ブライアーズ。1979年英。
1. Prologue (Williamson orch Ashmore) MH
2. Main Title (Williamson orch Morley)
3. Venturing Forth (Morley)
4. Into the Mist (Morley)
5. Crossing the River and Onward (Morley)
6. Fiver’s Vision (Morley)
7. Through the Woods (Morley)
8. The Rat Fight (Morley)
9. Violet’s Gone (Morley)
10. Climbing the Down (Morley)
11. Bright Eyes (Batt) AG
12. Interlude (Morley)
13. Bigwig’s Capture (Morley)
14. Kehaar’s Theme (Morley)
15. The Escape from Efrafa (Morley)
16. Hazel’s Plan (Morley)
17. Final Struggle and Triumph (Morley)
18. The End Titles (Morley)
MH Michael Hordern (narrator);
AG Art Garfunkel (vocal)