2. MIGI TO DALI Opening Theme: Yumagadoki [Regular Edition]

MIGI TO DALI Opening Theme: Yumagadoki [Regular Edition]

Price(USD): $9.50

Label: flying DOG(JPN)
CD No: VTCL-35364
Release Date: 2023/10/25
Format: 1CD

Soraru and Rib bring a single together. The leading song "Yuumagadoki" is the opening theme song for the TV anime "Migi to Dali" and was written by a vocaloid producer "Niru Kajitsu." The single also includes a new song written by vocaloid Producers Mikito P and 40mP. The cover artwork of the Regular Edition features a newly drawn illustration drawn by the popular illustrator lack.
Release Date: 2023.10.25