2. STEINS;GATE Audio Series Labo Men Number 007: Fairies Nyan Nyan

STEINS;GATE Audio Series Labo Men Number 007: Fairies Nyan Nyan

Price(USD): $20.80

Label: 5pb.Records(JPN)
CD No: FVCG-1127
Release Date: 2010/11/24
Format: 1CD

Character CD release from the game "Steins;Gate" including a character song featuring Fairies Nyan Nyan (CV: Haruko Momoi) and a mini drama "Sorezore no Shichigatsu Nijuhachinichi." Sleeve artwork by Yasuhiro Ikeda. *The album feature a desktop accessory (for Windows) and an original movie in the CD-Extra format (both are valid only in Japan). Release Date: 2010.11.24