2. GOOD-BYE, EMMANUELLE (180gr Vinyl)


Price(USD): $38.80

CD No: 539-3477
Release Date: 2021/03/12
Format: 1LP

180gr Vinyl release. La B.O. de Goodbye Emmanuelle est parue en octobre 1977 sous la forme d’un 33 tours de neuf titres reserve au marche asiatique (Japon et Hong Kong). Enrichi de deux titres bonus, ce LP rarissime est enfin disponible en France .

'Quand je pense que j'ai refuse le premier, quelle inconscience !' C’est en ces termes que Serge Gainsbourg exprime, en 1977, sa joie de voir ses talents de compositeur enfin associes aux aventures d’Emmanuelle, incarnee a l’ecran par la sensuelle Sylvia Kristel. Longtemps, il s’etait mordu les doigts d’avoir decline l'offre de composer la bande originale du premier volet de la saga erotique. En France, seul un 45 tours est paru Chez Philips en 1977 , regroupant la chanson 'Goodbye Emmanuelle' et l'instrumental 'Emmanuelle and the Sea'.

English (Auto translation):
Goodbye Emmanuelle's soundtrack was released in October 1977 in the form of a nine-track LP reserved for the Asian market (Japan and Hong Kong). Expanded with two bonus tracks, this extremely rare LP is finally available in France.

'When I think I refused the first one, what an unconsciousness!' It was in these terms that Serge Gainsbourg expressed, in 1977, his joy at seeing his talents as a composer finally associated with the adventures of Emmanuelle, embodied on the screen by the sensual Sylvia Kristel. For a long time, he had bit his fingers for declining the offer to compose the soundtrack for the first part of the erotic saga. In France, only a 45 rpm was released at Philips in 1977, grouping the song 'Goodbye Emmanuelle' and the instrumental 'Emmanuelle and the Sea'.

ATTN: Shipping charge for 5 discs applied

Track List

01.Goodbye Emmanuelle
02.White Shadow
04.Black Pepper
05.Goodbye Emmanuelle
01.Emmanuelle And The Sea
02.So Long
03.Making Love
06.Goodbye Emmanuelle