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Daisuke Ban sings Kikaider and Inazuman!
Jiro Takano, who inherited Masato Shimon's singing style, sings superbly!
Complete CD of Watanabe Spaceaki's song collection with audio drama!
The CD also features a jacket newly drawn by Daiki Kaneko, featuring the members of the group!
The CD "Chumei Watanabe Memorial" release as a commemorative CD for the 99th-100th anniversary! The CD is in the style of an audio drama, including a live performance on the 99th anniversary of his birth, and songs by Daisuke Ban and Jiro Takano.
Kenyuki Tanokura, the poet who promoted the CD project, said, “It is impossible that there will be no CD and no live performance in 1999 for Dr. Sukiaki. We will make it happen with this CD.
* 99th anniversary of the birth of Watanabe Spaceaki
This CD commemorates the 99th anniversary of the birth of Hiroaki Watanabe with an audio drama-style composition that intersects various time-spaces.
The CD contains songs that have remained unreleased, songs that have been composed but not filmed, and other works that have been left behind for a variety of reasons!
And the 99th birthday live concert, which was never held in real life, has been realized as a CD!
The jacket, newly drawn by Daiki Kaneko, who is now a popular nostalgic illustrator, is also noteworthy!
* Daisuke Ban sings and shouts Kikaider & Inazuman!
Daisuke Ban, starring actor of Kikaider and Inazuman, sings not only Kikaider, but also Inazuman and Inazuman F, which have been on air for 50 years!
An original script reminiscent of those days, written by Takeyuki Tanokura, will color the songs.
* Jiro Takano's exquisite singing, inherited from Masato Shimon's singing method.
Six previously unreleased songs by Jiro Takano's exquisite singing are included on the CD.
The theme song “Irodou no Gundan” and the insert song “99 Giant Lines” from the unfinished and unproduced omnibus tokusatsu “Irodou no Gundan”.
The theme song for “The Bodyguard,” and “Burning Action!” which was written for the ending but was never used. The Ballad of Otoko no Ballad”.
Payapaya Den Ace 9,” which was written at the request of his assistant, Takeyuki Tanokura, before his death.
New Atom Boy,” which is a present-day renewal of ‘Atom Boy,’ for which both the score and recordings have been scattered.
In addition, we recorded other familiar pieces using karaoke and melo-oke from the Three Shells CD.
Using Melo Oke and other music from the 90th birthday concert, a virtual live performance of Jiro Takano singing Denziman, Spider-Man, Kikaider 01, Prince of Monsters, etc., which were never held in real life, were realized on CD in the 99th year of his birth.
* Lines and singing by people associated with anime, tokusatsu, and Soumei works
Yukie Kagawa, known for her roles as Amazoness in “Spider-Man” and Amazon Killer in “Taiyo Sentai Sambalkan,” provided supporting comments.
Mako Watanabe a.k.a. Mako Principal, who sang in the chorus backing Daisuke Ban in “Go Go Kikaider” and “Sengen Inazuman,” sang a cute voice.
Noboru Sato (Chargeman Ken.), who co-starred in the films “Nezra 1964” and “Kaibutsu Neko Kyoukai,” sings in the chorus! 's Dr. Volga, as well as the voice actors of Maou-sama and Hoshi-kun), also appears throughout as the CD's storyteller in stately readings.
Eiichi Kikuchi, who has also appeared in “Prince of Monsters” and numerous Super Sentai series, also makes an appearance in an audio drama part.
Because of the audio drama-style structure and the concept of various time-space intersections, the CD will be available from August 19, 2024 to August 18, 2025,
This is a mysterious memorial CD that will be released somewhere every day from the 99th to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Hiroaki Watanabe.