Price(USD): $32.50

Label: 22D Music
CD No: 3516628346026
Release Date: 2021/03/21
Format: 1CD

Bruno Coulais (Les Choristes, Les Rivieres pourpres…), Aurora (Frozen…) and the Irish group Kila reunite with Irish director Tomm Moore on this animated film after "Brendan and the Secret of Kells" (2009) and "The Song of the Sea" (2014). This OST available on Apple TV is the result of their collaboration, telling the story of an epic and enchanted journey, of a budding friendship among forests and wolves, in a time of superstition and magic. CINEMA: Theatrical release on October 20, 2021

Track List

1. Wolfwalkers Theme
2. Wolves
3. Running With The Wolves (Wolfwalkers Version)
Voice?-?Aurora (16)
4. Mechanical
5. Wolf Or Girl
6. I'm A Wolfwalker
7. Howls The Wolf (Moll's Song - Wolf Run Free)
8. Our Forest
9. What Are You Doing Here ?
10. This Is Intolerable
11. Please Mummy
12. My Little Wolf
13. Our Victory
14. Follow Me
15. Mehb's Theme
16. Robyn's Theme